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Representation by Paul McTague

Date submitted
3 May 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

There are a couple of these sites under construction in the local area and they have contributed to: 1) Severe damage to road surfaces to and from the sites. 2) Mud all over the road surface during periods of inclement weather. 3) Increased plant and site traffic on the narrow country lanes. 4) Increased littering of road side verges. 5 Noise pollution In terms of the proposed site specifically: 1) Its to close to the junior and infant school causing noise and site traffic danger to parents, teachers and pupils. 2) Emergency service access is poor due to road size - a factor given the generator fire hazard. 3) The increased site traffic, field mud and weight of vehicles will be a threat to the environment and living standards of villagers, their safety property. 4) It will adversely impact natural habitats. Adversely impacting the local Skylark population, a protected species that enjoys a “stronghold” in the area. 5) Loss of high grade agricultural land, and the adverse visual impact of the development. 6) It totally encircles the village leaving us hemmed into a working powerplant. “Fracturing” the continuity of the local countryside, diminishing the openness of the landscape, and the welfare of local people and school children by spreading an incongruous form of development across a wide swathe of the countryside, and fracturing its continuity.