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Representation by Dawn Susan Banks

Date submitted
6 May 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I strongly object to the proposed development. This is because of the negative impact that this will have to the wildlife, including loss of wooded areas and ponds which will impact on the habitats where the animals reside. Also there may be damage to the trees which line the avenue throughout the village, which have tree preservation orders within a Conservation village. Our family have lived in this tranquil village for near 100 years and the close proximity of such a monstrous development will impact upon family wellbeing. This will also cause an horrendous eye sore and total destruction to the environmental landscape. The development is too closely sited to residential, educational and leisure provision, thus being detrimental to those who reside and visit the village community. We also do not know the long term health effects of such a development for those who live in such a close proximity. The amount of traffic generated will have a negative impact upon the quality of the roads and limit access to the local area for cyclist, walkers and dog walkers. There is also significant flooding on entry/ exit to the village and we do not know what the effect of such a development would be , in particularly when considering where the surface water will drain to.