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Representation by Paul Dumain

Date submitted
8 May 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses
  1. Visual impact The land required for the proposed development is currently open countryside, which provides beautiful unrestricted views across green fields and woodland from residential properties, public roads and rights of way. The proposed development, with its high boundary fences and high solar panels, will destroy these views for both current and future generations and will intrinsically chance the whole nature of the rural area. 2. Impact on house prices I have significant concerns regarding the impact of the development on house prices. My home currently enjoys beautiful views of open countryside, which will be decimated by the proposed development. This can only have a negative impact on the value of my property, which will impact both my financial and mental wellbeing 3. Impact on wildlife The area of the proposed development is richly inhabited by a wide variety of wildlife. The noise and disruption caused during construction, along with the loss of open fields and hedgerows once the development is in operation, can only have a significant negative impact on the local wildlife. 4. Loss of viable farmland The land required for the proposed development is currently used for farmland. As a nation, we should not be degrading our ability to be self-sufficient for food during times of international uncertainty. There are significant areas of brownfield land in the local area following the reduction in industry which should be prioritised for solar farms if required. 5. Construction impact on the local road network The proposed development area is rural, serviced by small, narrow, country roads. The road network is not suitable for the volume and size of construction traffic required, which will lead to an increased risk of traffic accidents, potential for serious delays for local residents and further damage to an already dilapidated road system 6. Noise impact I have significant worries regarding the noise generated both during construction, particularly during piling, and during ongoing operation. I work from home, and directly overlook the proposed development area. Significant prolonged noise from the development may greatly impact my ability to work, and also impact the peace and solitude provided by the rural area outside of working hours. 7. Light pollution The area of the proposed development is wonderfully free of light pollution, and I have significant concerns that lighting of the new development, both during construction and ongoing operation, will destroy the ‘dark skies’ nature of the environment. 8. Impact on mental health and wellbeing The stress and uncertainty caused by the proposed development is leading to [REDACTED]. Also, being able to enjoy the quiet, tranquil rural environment provides great stress relief, which will be completely removed by the proposed development.