Back to list Byers Gill Solar

Representation by Linda Guest

Date submitted
8 May 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I strongly object to the Byers Gill Solar Farm Project for the following reasons: 1. Loss of good agricultural land. I have lived in the village for 41 years and, over this time, the land designated for the solar farm development, has successfully been cropped, grazed and left to grass for silage production. Using this land for the solar farm is tantamount to large scale vandalism. With Climate Change and unrest in the world it is vital that this land should be safeguarded for food production. 2. The close proximity of the solar panels to domestic dwellings is not acceptable. This will affect the quietness of the village, particularly during the construction period. Light pollution will also cause nuisance to those residents to those residents living on the edges of the development. This will directly affect me as a resident overlooking the development to the north and east of Bishopton. Criminal activity will also increase. 3. Loss of local amenity. Mill Lane is regularly used by walkers, dog walkers, horse riders, cyclists and joggers because it is a safe quiet rural road. I use this amenity on a daily basis and find the setting also helps me with my mental health. If the development goes ahead this will become an industrial aspect, losing a well-used amenity. 3. Closeness to the Primary school. If this development is allowed to go ahead, the village will probably see the closure of the school as, many parents have said they will remove their children from the school. The close proximity of the solar panels to the school will have a detrimental effect on the pupils and teachers' mental health. Long term we do not know the physical health of these groups. 5. The villagers fought for years to get a recreational area for adults and children. We now know that it is planned to turn the rural aspect of this area into an industrial aspect. This is totally unacceptable for the many users of this area, including myself. 6. Finally Glint and Glare. It is well known that Glare has a visual impact. It is annoyance to local residents. As a resident overlooking the solar panels to the North and East of Bishopton, I will be directly affected. Taking into consideration the above points, the Byers Gill Solar Farm should NOT BE ALLOWED TO GO AHEAD.