Back to list Byers Gill Solar

Representation by Gillian Scott

Date submitted
8 May 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The Byers Gill Solar Development ("the development") is strongly opposed. I invite the Examining Authority to consider the following main reasons in opposition: 1. Amenity a. The development would undeniably deter visitors and locals who currently enjoy the undisturbed landscape and footpaths. b. The development would destroy the much desired views by imposing secured boundaries and intrusive monitoring. c. The development would be both an audible and visual nuisance to residents and visitors which would impact on an individuals right to peaceful enjoyment of their private and home life. d. The volume and density of proposed solar panels is disproportionate to the small scale of surrounding villages and land. 2. Health & Safety a. The inevitable influx of heavy traffic to both build and maintain the development would be a danger to current pedestrians, school children and road users. b. The development would destroy and displace a plethora of well established wildlife, eco systems and habitats which authorities should endeavour to maintain. c. Residents have not been assured that there are no long term health implications which may stem from such a large scale development. 3. Future Implications a. The lanscape would be altered to such an extent that the areas' rich heritage and cultural identity would be permanently lost. b.The development would negatively impact current and future generations of agricultural workers. c. The future housing market in this vicinity would be compromised due to people being deterred from investing in the area. d.The development would render land permanently unusable for future food production. For the aforementioned reasons, the development is wholly opposed. Any potential benefits derived from this development would be disproportionately outweighed by the irreversible and detrimental consequences that would ensue should the same be sanctioned.