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Representation by Eve Holder

Date submitted
8 May 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Before you make a lazy decision based on financial information only, please think, think harder, think compassionately, think about the actual real impact of this proposal. • Do you really know how this will impact the mental health of the people who will have this atrocity on their doorstep? • Do you understand what it will feel like living in a place surrounded by panels, storage facilities and industrial work and the negative energy and foreboding view? • Do you fully understand the impact of these horrendous structure’s on the masses of wildlife? • Do you really think it possible to continue to graze animals between the panels and grow plants and wild flowers in the shade? • Do you think it right that the villagers who have paid a premium to live in this beautiful place and will not only lose the quality of life they have chosen and worked for, but will also lose financially as their homes will lose value and desirability? • Do you think it is right that those that bought houses in these villages paid extra to check that the green belt could not be built upon, to find that legally this is a green belt and no building can take place, to then have this proposal to deal with, a proposal that is worse than a housing estate being erected. Do you think it is right that this proposal that can bypass the law and go ahead to destroy this green belt? • Do you really think that the villagers and visitors to the area would like to walk around the propose man made walkways between the panels, high fences and storage batteries, instead of the stunning countryside as it now stands? • Do you fully understand the impact of this awful proposal against the actual gain? • Do you understand the actual size of this proposal, the proposal covers a vast area and is bigger than the norm, all because it can link easily to the national grid. • Do you really just want to tick some boxes, let it be thought that this is part of a greater good, when in fact this is an easy and lazy way to be seen to be working towards renewable energy? Before you make a misguided decision that this is right site for these solar plants based on its link to the national grid, please, I encourage you to think, think more longer term, think more carefully, think more strategically. • Do you really need to obliterate this beautiful countryside in order to save creating infrastructure to create links to the national grid for sites such as brown field sites and spaces more realistic to hold an energy compound? • Do you think it really a necessary part of the longer term plan for renewable energy, to decimate this countryside, what about other options such as creating policy for all new builds to have compulsory renewable energy sources, utilising brown field sites and investing in the necessary infrastructure to connect to the grid, putting solar panels on all factories, car parks and the like? • Do you think that taking this land for an energy compound is the best use of this land, what about the agricultural and farming potential and investment in other just as important agendas such as England growing more of its own food? • Do you think it is acceptable that after the life of this proposed project, the land could get a change of use and be downgraded? • Do you think you could apply yourself to fully understand what is really at stake here and become part of making the right decision to save this beautiful land and finding other solutions to create solar sites in appropriate places and upgraded means to join to the national grid? Before you go to sleep tonight, please think, please expand your thinking, please be mindful, please put yourself in the shoes of those that live and work in this area, please allow yourself to feel what this proposal is doing to these people, even now having this dread hanging over their heads. Please consider • Is it really ok for these homes and businesses to be expected to live with the building work, the transport that will be required, the high fences, the energy that will be expelled and years of a disgraceful sight blighting the countryside? • Is it really suitable that these compounds are built and will sit dormant for years? If you don’t already know, this, please ask the question about when the national grid can accept the energy from this site. You should be questioning this condition as part of the bigger decision making for this proposal, and anyone with an ounce of common sense and moral conscience will think this ludicrous. • Is it really acceptable for people choosing to live in the countryside to have their choice taken away and be forcibly surrounded by a vast wide spread industrial plant? • Is this really right? Is this really acceptable? Is this really how you think we should be treating our land and these good people? Or is this a lazy approach to trying to achieve a tick in the box for an energy agenda? Before you decide to turn away from my feedback, blink and disregard any of this as part of your decision making, please know; • This is the wrong thing to do. • These villages are good people and do not deserve to have this proposal and the anxiety it brings and the change to their environment forced upon them. • There are plenty of other more suitable options for renewable energy and the proper more appropriate siting for such, taking the quick and easy route here is not acceptable. • Much of the claims that the company has made so far as part of this proposal has been sloppy and fabricated. The documentation they have provided has been misleading, some of which has included mistruths, the ‘you said, we did’ document produced after the very poor ‘consultation’ that took place was littered with misleading feedback and fabrication. Actually saying that they had reduced the number of panels, when in fact, the truth was, one of the farmers had pulled out. Is it right for these greedy business groups come and make such a mess of our beautiful place and try to hood wink the people that they are behaving responsibly? Please look more closely into the group aiming to do this, this is crooked and fat cat driven. Trying to frame some of the reasons for doing this to improve the environment, their tactics are appalling. These villages are filled with highly professional and good people, please think before you put your tick in the box, do not let these companies destroy good people and the land that they care for. • There are more risks that need to be factored in such as the increase in crime, flooding and fire risks that are documented as an outcome of projects like this. Please think about the impact of these things on these communities. • The devastation this will bring to the wildlife is too massive to quantify, please think about the reality of this, this is just too abhorrent for words • The atrocity this will bring and leave to this green belt and valuable farming land is utterly disgraceful. I will repeat, this green belt, please think again, consider other options, look at brown field sites. • The damage that this will bring to this area and the mental health and well-being of the residents should be considered as a more important factor than cost, national grid and the energy agenda, there are other options, please seek them out and leave this place as it is supposed to be, green, filled with life, positive energy and good happy people living the lives they have worked hard for. Please read my response several times to fully understand the questions I pose and the impact this will have. I live in the village of Great Stainton and I would be able to see this monstrosity from my windows and back garden. I will be surrounded by this foreboding sight 24/7. I won’t be able to not see this, it will be there surrounding me constantly. I will be able to feel the change to the energy that this would bring to the land and the air around us. I am very worried about how this is already and will continue to affect [REDACTED] that of my family and neighbours. It is with the utmost of sadness that I respond to this proposal, I actually feel physically sick thinking about this and can’t believe any company could have constructed such a diabolical plan and that government could allow this to come anywhere near to a detailed plan or worse to fruition. Please think, please question what you see in the proposal and take some sensible steps to stop this from getting any further.