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Representation by Catherine Melaney

Date submitted
9 May 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Residents of near by villages will be impacted by the years of vans, trucks, lorries which are delivering parts to build this solar farm. The roads are not built for industrial vehicles, they are small country roads, used by cyclists and walked on by local residents including children. Will my child be at heightened risk of being knock down by some industrial vehicle that struggles to turn on country roads? Safety for local residents and especially children, as a parent I worry about the local environmental impact to build this farm, to build the panels, the smog from the equipment, how many years of pollution must my child endure for this solar farm. The future value of the homes in these villages, some of the homes are peoples pensions, people will lose value on their houses, they will be unable to sell. I would rather have a view of lush open green fields and hear nature, than view a 10ft fence and all you can hear is a building site. You are going to kill many historic villages for more "green" energy. build industrial projects like this in unused industrial sights. there's nothing green about how these solar farms are built. We already import 60% of our food in the uk, perhaps we should start using farmland to grow our own food.