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Representation by Steve Rogers

Date submitted
9 May 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

My regular cycle route takes me all through this area, during which I enjoy the views the wildlife the roads, the roads can be dangerous with the traffic currently using them, however, the thought of dozens of heavy goods vehicles that will be travelling to this area on a daily basis for weeks and months on end fills me with fear. For it is not just this immediate area that will suffer with the increase in these vehicles it is also the surrounding country roads they will have to use in order to get to Bishopton. These roads are just not safe for this quantity of vehicles to be regularly travelling along them. The roads are full of cyclists, horses, dog walkers and walkers, accidents are almost guaranteed. Also the loss of the beautiful countryside and all its inhabitants, due to the size of this planned development is absolutely outrageous and should not be allowed to happen on this scale in such a heavily populated area so close to homes, and businesses all of which will be massively disrupted due to the sound of these vehicles and the constant thunder of them passing through villages. You cannot access this area without travelling through other villages. There must be many many more suitable areas for a development of this size that does not inconvenience and disrupt and destroy such a beautiful area. I am not even convinced from articles that I read that it is even a worthwhile thing to do.