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Representation by Historic England (Historic England)

Date submitted
9 May 2024
Submitted by
Other statutory consultees

Bishopton Conservation Area Our only point of concern on the DCO application relates to the impact on setting of Bishopton Conservation Area. Currently the public right of way through the fields adjoining to the north of Bishopton which connects the settlement with Old Stillington provides an experience of the conservation area in its rural setting with the Grade II listed St Peter’s church at its centre. The proposed permanent stopping up of this public right of way and rerouting to the west alongside the provision of solar PV panels would result in a change to this setting through an urbanising effect. Our comments on the Environmental Statement Chapter 8 Cultural Heritage and Archaeology in respect of Bishopton Conservation Area are as follows: • At paragraph 8.10.44 we agree with the key views identified including the view along the public footpath from Old Stillington when moving south towards Bishopton which we raised through consultation. • At 8.10.51 we would disagree that the rural landscape surrounding the conservation area does not make any great contribution to its character and appearance given that its significance is drawn from it being a rural conservation area which is appreciated by its surrounding countryside. • At 8.10.57 we would suggest there is a change albeit minor to the experience of moving from Old Stillington south to Bishopton in the context of the character and appearance of the Conservation Area, given the rerouting of the footpath and presence of solar PV panels. • In conclusion of impacts at 8.10.60 we would suggest the magnitude of change should be low on the asset of medium significance resulting instead in a minor effect rather than a negligible one. • Effects could be partly mitigated through increased understanding of the historic environment of Bishopton through the provision of an interpretation board providing a narrative of tis history. Scheduled monument motte and bailey castle 400 m south east of Bishopton (NHLE1008668) Following a site visit undertaken in August 2023 and having studied the plans of the proposed development we are in agreement with paragraphs 8.10.74 to 8.10.76 of the Environmental Statement. Therefore, in conclusion we also agree that the proposed development will lead to a Negligible magnitude of change on the asset which is of High heritage significance resulting in a Negligible Effect, which is not Significant for the purposes of EIA.