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Representation by Stuart Younger-Cooper

Date submitted
10 May 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I would like object to this development on several grounds. The first being that the area for this proposed development is mainly within a Conservation area, I had to get approval from several committees just to have a flue installed for a log burner because it may affect the outlook of a listed building and may have adversely affected the area. How can such a massive installation not be seen in the same light. I also walk regularly in the area that the panels are to be installed. I currently enjoy the variety of landscapes and changing scenery throughout the year . That will all change to a sea of hideous black panels and battery banks. Furthermore the area has several protected species living happily in their current surroundings. The installation of this abomination will certainly disrupt their ecological environment. Speaking about the installation of this project, I am told this will involve a significant rise in heavy traffic in the area, polluting our air, generating excessive noise and ruining our already poor road surfaces. These panels could easily be installed on the roofs of commercial buildings and I’m sure the owners of said buildings would be happy to accommodate for an agreeable deal.