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Representation by Rachel Guest (Rachel Guest)

Date submitted
13 May 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I strongly object to the Byers Gill Solar Farm Development for the following reasons. 1] To have a cumulative total of 2600 acres of solar panels is far too many in a small rural area. Byers Gill amounts to half this total. This will adversely affect the rural character of the area, turning it into an industrial landscape. Wildlife habitats including woodlands and ponds will be destroyed. 2] I'm a frequent visitor to the area and cannot believe how close the solar panels and related equipment will be to village resident's homes especially those to the North and East of Bishopton village. This close proximity means that the homeowners' will be affected by noise, light pollution and criminal activity during both the construction and operational stages. 3] It is also absolutely ridiculous to situate the panels and associated hardware so close to the village school. I attended this school and cannot imagine the affect that this Solar Farm will have on the children, who are now attending it, during the construction period. Once it is running the children will be attending a school surrounded by industry. How can this be allowed to happen? 4] The permanent loss of good agricultural land. If this development is allowed to go ahead, we will become more dependent on food imports. Surely this country should be preserving the self-sufficiency of food supply that this land contributes to.