Back to list Byers Gill Solar

Representation by Douglas McMann

Date submitted
13 May 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The cumulative effect of all the local solar farms amounting to approximately 2620 acres and specifically Byers Gill is 1356 acres of that total. The combined visual effect will without doubt vastly reduce the character of the area and in particular the conservation village of Bishopton that will be surrounded by the proposed Byers Gill solar farm and battery installations. The war in Ukraine has highlighted the need to be self sufficient both in food and energy production.The loss of 2620 acres of arable land is unacceptable when there are many brown field sites readily available such as the old Redcar Steel works and either side of Tees-mouth. In addition, the northeast region is one of the worst for sunshine and brightness and in the approved national map of same is “dark blue”. The local roads are minor lanes and significant heavy traffic over a 18 month construction period is a safety hazard for local residents. There are universities in the UK and USA undertaking research of the effect of solar farms on land and whether once they have reached the solar panels lifespan of around 40yrs is complete the soil will be able to be returned to farming. Research so far indicates that the temperature below the panels is betweeen 0.5 - 2.5C higher than air temperature and this may affect plant growth and germination. The loss of our natural environment currently enjoyed, the 18 month construction phase with excessive traffic and associated noise will have consequences on residents mental health and well being. None more so on the children at the local primary school and their safety.