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Representation by Mr Peter & Mrs Ann Galvin (Mr Peter & Mrs Ann Galvin)

Date submitted
14 May 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Our property lies in an agricultural area (1mile west of Great Stainton village) and is surrounded by fields. To the south east we have views of the Cleveland Hills and to the west views towards the Pennines. We have a wide variety of animals and birds which come into our field. Deer, Foxes, Hares, Hedgehogs, Pheasants, Partridge and a wide variety of garden birds. Some of which are migratory. The area is popular with ramblers, cyclists, joggers and horse riders as the bridal way runs north to south past our house. Hauxley Farm in conjunction with RWE (Byers Gill Solar) have identified two fields which border our property to the east and south this would mean we would be surrounded on two sides of our property by solar panels. We feel we have been lied to by both parties as both are claiming it was the other that made the decision as to which fields on Hauxley Farm should be used. The solar panels will be approximately 100 metres from our lounge window, the proposal is for the panels to be 3 metres in height. Both fields to the east and south of our property rise towards Hauxley farm, making the panels appear higher than they are. Thus causing a greater visual impact. On our property we have boarding kennels which are located to the south. There are 22 kennels, small paddock and a large agility pen. The solar panels which will be at the back of the kennels will be approximately no more than 15/20 metres from the back border of the kennels. OBJECTIONS 1) We feel that this development will have a detrimental effect on our health causing anxiety, stress and general well being. As already it has caused friction with the land owner who we have been on good terms with for 28 years as a friend and neighbour, he will not discuss anything and claims that we can object if we want to. This does not promote good relations. 2) The proposal will also have a detrimental effect on our business as it is claimed that the development will take up to 2 years to complete. The noise pollution will have an effect on the dogs from the heavy machinery, people shouting and general noise. Then continuing maintenance. 3) The visual impact will be immense as at the moment we have beautiful views, if the development goes ahead we will have no view except the back and side of solar panels. RWE claim they will put hedgerows around our property, how long will these take to grow so that we are shielded from the solar panels? We are both retired will it be in our lifetime? 4) We feel we may be affected by any reflection from the panels. Also the good top soil will be removed leaving a clay base, if we have another wet season as we have just had (the claim by weather forecasters is that our weather is changing and we are forecast more rain in the future) the water will run from the easterly field straight into our field and then onto the road causing flooding worse than it is now. 5) Looking at the fields that RWE propose in this area the whole of the landscape will be drastically altered. At the end of the solar panel lifetime it is unlikely that it will be returned to its natural beauty. 6) It is a well known fact that nothing nutritious will grow under the solar panels so this will become brown land in other words non agricultural. Our local farmers who are not part of this development claim our land is good/reasonable farm land, we need to preserve our fields for crops. 7) We are concerned that the lithium batteries in the storage units are unsafe. In case of a fire there is no way of them being extinguished or being contained and the fumes they would give off being toxic. This would also have a detrimental effect on both us and our business. How would the fumes affect us and our animals? It is a well known fact that we have poachers in the countryside and we in the countryside do all we can to deter them. The solar panel fields will close pathways that our animals use thus enabling poachers to trap them easily. Also it has been reported that thefts from the construction of solar panel fields are bringing the criminal element into the countryside. In this area we already have a sight of solar panels presently being constructed another development in our area will cause us to become and industrial area. Who will want to buy our homes! We are trapped. We are not against renewable energy in the right place, there are many brown sites or large buildings being built where solar panels could be sited on the roof. We urge the government to refuse tis application