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Representation by Stockton Borough Council (Stockton Borough Council)

Date submitted
15 May 2024
Submitted by
Local authorities

Stockton Borough Council (SBC), together with Darlington Borough Council are the host authority for Byers Gill Solar Development Consent Order (DCO) application. The majority of the ‘order limits’ of the DCO are within the administrative boundary of the Darlington Borough Council. SBC would like to confirm, as host authority, under section 102(1)(c) of the Planning Act 2008, we are automatically Interested Parties for the duration of the examination and therefore do not need to register to participate. Thank you for the opportunity submit Relevant Representation (RR). SBC will provide detailed comments within its Local Impact Report (LIR) and may submit a Written Representation (WR) during the examination. The LIR will set out the views of the SBC following a detailed appraisal of the DCO application. SBC consider that an assessment of the following issues are pertinent to the consideration of the case, and a full assessment of these will follow in the LIR: Loss of Best and Most Versatile (BMV) Land, landscape and visual effects, the impact on living conditions including noise, glint and glare and air quality, ecology, biodiversity and trees, traffic and transport, the impact on Public Rights of Way, flood risk and drainage, contamination and radon gases, HSE, archaeology, and heritage impacts. Detailed consideration is required of the individual impacts of the project, together with any cumulative impacts of other nearby solar farm applications. The Council reserves the right to amend its position or comments following detailed analysis. SBC will continue to engage with the NSIP process and seek to work proactively with the Inspector and the applicants in connection with this project.