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Representation by Weightmans LLP on behalf of Northern Powergrid (Northeast) Plc (Weightmans LLP on behalf of Northern Powergrid (Northeast) Plc)

Date submitted
15 May 2024
Submitted by
Other statutory consultees

The following representations are submitted on behalf of Northern Powergrid (Northeast) Plc (‘Northern Powergrid’) as an electricity undertaker for the area within which the Byers Gill Solar DCO Project is located: Northern Powergrid is in principle supportive of the Byers Gill Solar DCO project but has concerns relating to the impacts which the proposed scheme will have on Northern Powergrid’s existing assets and any required improvement works. There is a significant amount of Northern Powergrid infrastructure within the red line boundary area of the Order and thus the project has a direct impact on Northern Powergrid’s existing critical national infrastructure which serves significant numbers of customers in the local and wider area. Northen Powergrid’s rights for these assets are essential in maintaining an uninterrupted power supply to the customers they serve. The proposed development seeks to interfere with Northern Powergrid’s existing apparatus; there are many points at which the solar storage infrastructure crosses NPG’s overhead lines and underground cables both of which are vital for Northern Powergrid’s existing operations. Northern Powergrid therefore reserves the right to review the position as the scheme progresses and protect its existing apparatus including with bespoke protective provisions in the Order, as at this stage, the specific details of the DCO infrastructure including the depth, diameter and respective easement strips are unknown. The compulsory purchase powers incorporated into the DCO seeks to acquire land and interests which, if acquired, would adversely affect Northern Powergrid’s ability to use, access, maintain and where necessary upgrade its equipment. It is not necessary to acquire these interests where an agreement between the parties would be more appropriate. In addition to the technical impacts of the proposed development, Northern Powergrid has concerns over the proposed protective provisions contained within the draft Order as they do not take into account site specific issues and do not accord with Northern Powergrid’s standard protective provision requirements. Northern Powergrid has discussed its concerns with RWE Renewables UK Solar and Storage Limited (‘the Applicant’) and the parties are working closely to reduce the project’s impacts on Northern Powergrid’s apparatus and agree bespoke protective provisions within the draft Order. Northern Powergrid is keen to keep an open dialogue with the Applicant and to engage with the Applicant’s legal representative to agree appropriate amendments to the protective provisions.