Back to list Byers Gill Solar

Representation by Paul Brown

Date submitted
15 May 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to object to the Byers Gill solar development for the following reasons. Environmental; The scale of the proposed development Is staggering in size proposed on land which for centuries has been high grade agricultural land vital for the economy and the produce of crops, vegetables and food for the UK and further afield. This land has for centuries had beneath it natural water and drainage channels which will be significantly impacted, damaged or destroyed by this development, Bishopton and the surrounding areas are and have been susceptible to flooding on a regular basis, this will no doubt become worse and cause untold damage to roads, properties, plant life, insects and the local ecosystem entirely. The locality is widely renowned for its diversity in wildlife including numerous protected species of birds and animals, this proposed area is within a conservation area. Solar panels amounting to over 1200 football pitches in the area will destroy the wildlife, plants, trees etc, the natural feeding grounds and hunting grounds will be decimated, plants will not be pollinated Owls, lapwings, badgers etc which are abundant now will disappear. The roads within the relevant area are small country lanes, many being single land traffic, these will be damaged or destroyed, access to and from the villages will be massively impacted. Lythium batteries used for storage on these sites each being the size of an articulated container, area notorious for igniting, thousands upon thousands of gallons of water for many many hours is required to stop this, the residue of toxic waste in the water is washed into the local area, the smoke from these is toxic yet the proposal is to site these near to a local primary school and OAP bungalows nearby. The proposals for Byers Gill is a catastrophe waiting to happen for each and every environmental reason. Health and Safety; The area within the Byers Gill proposal is one used by cyclists, horse riders, dog walkers and walkers, the increased traffic, appalling road conditions as witnessed nearby at Winfield solar farm are a good example, will undoubtedly lead to serious injury or fatality. Increase in large heavy goods vehicles and plant machinery giving off toxic fumes will cause damage to the health of both residents and wildlife and insects. It is widely accepted and reported increases in crime in the area where solar farms are built. Residents like myself walk the country lanes for my wellbeing and health the thought of walking without hearing any wildlife or smell or trees and wild flowers merely seeing row upon row of panels is awful. Noise pollution will occur and be very detrimental to both residents and local livery yards in particular, the low humming buzz of solar fields will be a form of constant torture. The European Union have categorically stated the north east of England is unsuitable to place solar farms, due to the geographic location and seasonal weather being impractical for effective power generation. At a time when food production in the UK is in difficulties with an increase in population the proposals outlined are purely for a German based company to make profits, why would a German based company have concern for the residents of a farming community in the UK? This has been highlighted in the one and only public meeting with the developers in Bishopton, from start to finish they were disingenuous. In conclusion the proposals for Byers Gill offer nothing to the residents and communities, it will destroy and damage an ecosystem and community which has been located here for centuries, wildlife, plants, trees, high grade agricultural land, food output, crops, roads, bridges, hedges and peoples way of life will be damaged or destroyed, pollution, toxic residue, increased traffic, incidents, accidents, crime. The developers don’t care they merely want to make their money and run leaving people to pick up the pieces once they have gone back to Germany with their pockets bulging. For these reasons I strongly oppose and object to Byers Gill in its entirety.