Back to list Byers Gill Solar

Representation by Nicola Middlemiss

Date submitted
15 May 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to object to the Byers Gill Solar Farm proposal entirely. It will significantly damage and destroy the land, property, trees, flowers, high grade agricultural land, wildlife in all its forms. Pollution will increase, damage to local roads, paths and property, massively increased risks for walkers, dog walkers, horse riders, cyclists. Many elderly or infirm residents use the local roads and public rights of way to walk for exercise and therapy as do many other residents. Horses are ridden regularly around the area these are spooked by bright lights for example sun shining off panels a huge health and safety risk. JBM have suggested sheep and or Hens can be grazed within the solar panels, this is folly!! Solar panels prevent light so grass will not grow to feed the sheep, it is also impossible for farmers to round up sheep with either a dog or quad bike within these panels, hens grazing will quite simply be killed by foxes in the area! We as a community have been misled by JBM in particular the project manager, he has deliberately avoided providing accurate information which may undermine the proposals. The village of Bishopton originates from at least the 13th century and is now a conservation area with historic buildings and sites of scientific interest. Residents have to have permission to cut a tree branch yet it is proposed to to place panels on over 1000 acres of fertile and high grade agricultural land, land which JBM have graded as 3b with no data or testing to corroborate this, its ironic that this suits their purpose? I work with horses in the local area, usually outdoors, I see, hear and smell the wildlife, insects, flowers, trees. I see the hares, sheep, cattle, foxes, rabbits, pheasants, owls, hawks, lapwings, badgers, voles, field mice. All of these animals plus many others will have their habitat destroyed, some are protected species, what is the point of protecting them if we allow their surroundings where they feed, hunt and rear their young to be destroyed? Roads will be damaged with increased traffic and HGV, pollutants will increase from extra vehicles. These solar panels regardless are not efficient or eco friendly to the environment especially when they store the power in gigantic lithium batteries the size of a house which can spontaneously combust, the fire brigade have highlighted this as a very serious threat to humans, animals and the environment with toxic waste being the by product of this. I strongly object to the Byers Gill proposals and hope this is rejected entirely.