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Representation by Christine Margaret Wood

Date submitted
16 May 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

PERSONAL Site will be in view from my house Loss of house value / reduced desirability of property Reduced enjoyment of surrounding countryside Adverse visual impact on my local area Potential health issues - little know of effects on human health from such close proximity CONSTRUCTION MAJOR CONCERN 12 month construction period will destroy village life & access. Dangerous & destructive- children, people & animals seriously at risk Noise & dirt pollution unacceptable Access through village would be impossible - residents cars already reduce village road to almost less than single track (little or no off street parking) Damage to vehicles Damage to village green Bridge over Skerne at Hall Garth / Coatham Mill is listed & fragile ENVIRONMENT / VILLAGE & SURROUNDING AREA Use of productive farmland is totally unacceptable as need to support & increase local food production not reduce it - and NOT line the pockets of farmers Huge adverse visual impact on local area - should be located in more appropriate area - many brown field sites in Tees Valley Too close to residential property in Brafferton (& other villages) Size & locations of solar panel sites will destroy the character & appearance of rural landscape - scale wholly inconsiderate & inappropriate Lack of consideration for an area of ancient historical land & interest Tree planting / screening inadequate & take too long to have any effect - will be obscured by high fencing, buildings & panels themselves. Winter season will make this even worse. Significant loss of habitat especially during construction & with proposed size of infrastructure Degraded land quality at end of solar farm life OTHER Not enough proven / historical evidence of solar farms to allay fears of residents forced to live close to this ‘industrial’ landscape. NO local benefit of power generated to local residents Already experiencing adverse effects of the building of Whinfield Solar Farm close by