Back to list Byers Gill Solar

Representation by Miles Metcalfe

Date submitted
16 May 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am concerned about the cumulative impact of solar development in the locality of Bishopton. There are a significant number of solar developments and wind turbines which have already been granted planning permission and in some cases have been built. The addition of the proposed Byers Gill Development will substantially change the overall character of our small rural community. Productive arable land in the Bishopton area has already started to be consumed by the solar developments under construction. The proposed site for the Byers Gill Development is on some of the most productive arable land in the area. The reported soil sampling test results, completed so far on the proposed Byers Gill Development land and shown in the Developer's Information Pack appear to have been taken from heavily trafficked areas of the fields. They do not represent the overall soil structure and grade of the fields. This should be independently verified. Based on the numerous solar developments currently under construction in the Bishopton locality the visual impact of the proposed Byers Gill Development will be a horrendous scar on the landscape. Anyone travelling from or through Bishopton using any of the roads will be subjected to a complete change in appearance and character of the area both during construction, operation and decommissioning. This will have a huge impact on residents' quality of life and mental health. The impact will also be felt by users of the village's facilities such as church, village hall, primary school, playground, pubs, petrol station and dog walking routes. On the original consultation plans there were many more footpaths and by-ways proposed which have since been removed on the documents submitted to the planning inspectorate... Lastly the proximity of the proposed development to houses, but most importantly a rural PRIMARY SCHOOL is a complete failure of judgment at best.