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1. Summary Introduction: Fundamentally, the limited energy security and decarbonisation benefits the Tillbridge Solar Project claims to achieve are outweighed by the significant adverse impacts it...
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Solar panel should be installed on roof tops. We need to protect or country side and farm land.
Gross overdevelopment will totally change visual nature of area very much to it's detriment. Quality of my life will suffer. Potential for massive light pollution, further destroying local amenity....
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I am very concerned about the following impact that solar farms will have on my life and that of the community as a whole for the following reasons. Impact to wildlife Impact to farming as an industry...
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Solar should be on every new house build roof (builders should be charged) they're making great profit & all roofs not on the land. We need it for wildlife people and farm animals
We should protect farmland and the countryside.Solar panel should be on roof tops.
The country side should not be used for solar power crops first always
We need land to grow food unacceptable developements in the green belt we do not need this
Building solar farms on productive farmland is wrong. In an increasingly unstable world we need to produce as much of our own food as possible, up from 50% to 70%. There are many more places where...
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My main issue is the massive loss of agricultural land and how this project will ruin the landscape where i live, for the rest of my life. The Tillbridge Solar project would cover 3500 acres of...
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The area proposed for this is not suitable for the area, or reflective of the residents of the area who strongly oppose this plan. We chose to live in an area surrounded by beautiful countryside that...
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Destruction of historic landscape and impact on visual amenity
I came to live in Lincolnshire to have a rural retreat and enjoy the countryside and wildlife by walking, running, and cycling on a daily basis. I get that the country needs to switch to renewable...
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With the recent go ahead of the massive solar farm. This on top would be just too much. Wild life will be further impacted. Food production will be impacted. My comment is no to more solar in this...
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There are many questions concerning the life-cycle carbon benefits of the Tillbridge Solar Project. A proper assessment of this would include the carbon footprints of the material sourcing, equipment...
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Loss of arable land Impact on roads Not temporary Should not be investigating in solar
Solar panels on farm land. The lasting effects to the soil so that food cannot be grown on the land for at least 10yrs. We need to be growing more food, less miles traveled for food will do more good...
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Feel the scale of sites will bring a huge negative impact on the area. Will decrease value of properties in the area. Wildlife will suffer, don’t understand why farming land has to be used.
There are many questions concerning the life-cycle carbon benefits of the Tillbridge Solar Project. A proper assessment of this would include the carbon footprints of the material sourcing, equipment...
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From the very beginning the details of these schemes have been very difficult to access and to actually fully see. If that is the case then the company must have something to hide otherwise all would...
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This is a terrible option, we need our U.K. farmers to grow crops for OUR food and to feed animals for our food and milk not end up having to import from other countries that have poorer welfare or...
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Stow Parish Council submission concerning the application for Tillbridge Solar Introduction This submission provides the views of Stow Parish Council (SPC hereafter) on the application for the...
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The Canal & River Trust (“the Trust”) has previously provided comments to the applicant on the route options for the cable connection and now wishes to register and comment as an interested party for...
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Installation of solar power stations should be built on farm land this will destroy our countryside and limit our ability to grow our own food. Other opportunities should be explored, on buildings,...
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Gate Burton Energy Park Limited is the undertaker for the Gate Burton Energy Park Order 2024 (PINS reference EN010131). The DCO application for Gate Burton Energy Park was submitted to the Planning...
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Food security should prioritise over energy security. Energy Security must not be a short term fix over two generations.
Solar panels should only be erected on man made structures
See Relevant Representations Letter dated 24 July 2024
Thank you for consulting the Forestry Commission on this proposal. As the Governments forestry experts, we endeavour to provide as much information as possible to enable the project to reduce any...
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Food security is equally if not more important than power security - this is very good far land which potentially could be taken out of production for a very long
Newark and Sherwood District Council note that Chapter 18 ‘Cumulative Effects and Interactions’ of the Environmental Statement identifies One Earth Solar Farm (Proposed DCO) as an ‘other development’...
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The size of this project along with others in the planning process will permanently damage this part of Lincolnshire in every aspect of life and in return will provide little or no return in respect...
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Too much farm land being made unusable by solar panels , we need to produce our own food.whats the point of going on about needing renewable energy ,when we are importing food from across the...
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Replacing productive farmland with solar panels to 'solve' a problem that doesn't exist is crass stupidity !
The proposed site for the solar eyesore should not go ahead. The use of valuable farmland should not be wasted. Solar panels should be fitted to roof spaces on factories, warehouse, supermarkets,...
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There is an independent scientific study that biodiversity changes completely due to solar farms. Reduction in wildlife movement and harms migrating birds. Panels can break and this does harm the...
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The vast amount of high quality farm and food production land being destroyed by this solar farm and others all around the country is a major concern. The population of Britain is growing and this...
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Climate Change and the need for renewable energy: I understand and support the need for renewable, less polluting energy however consider the following issues to be not in line with this: • The wider...
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This is agricultural land.
The use of good food production land for low efficiency energy output production. Negative impact on local wildlife and scenery, disruption to roads and services the location of the site in relation...
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The Tilbridge application will have a great impact on the proposed area it is incomprehensible that it could be approved. the rationale behind these comments is set out below. 1. the location - the...
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We need to save our land for food and the wildlife
Land for food first not solar panels these need to be installed on new buildings super market car park buildings etc
Vast areas of farmland under threat again from solar. We cannot keep loosing farmland. We need land for crops and at this rate there will be non left. Too many large areas that will destroy the...
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1 Fillingham Parish Meeting is against the proposed Tillbridge Solar Project, because the damaging consequences of development at this scale can never be mitigated – and the benefits of this...
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This is mass destruction of our countryside for greed and is NOT green energy when you factor in the pylons, substations, destruction of hedgerows, trees, etc. Who in their right mind thinks this is...
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Do we REALLY need to put So,Ar panels onto prime Agricultural land, surely this land is better suited for food production? Why not make Supermarkets cover their parking area with Solar panel rooves as...
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I do not agree with large scale solar schemes on farmland. This is not a "green" use of our countryside. Solar should be on roof tops, brown field sites, etc. All new buildings should be carbon...
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I oppose the installation of solar on productive farmland and feel strongly that our English countryside should be protected from the solar rush that is currently threatening our entire country.
Dear inspector, Please refuse this application on the grounds of food security,loss of visual amenity, destruction of soil composition and impact of construction. Please bear in mind that these fields...
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I am concerned that farming land will be lost and habitat for local wildlife will be destroyed. Solar panels could be placed on roofs of buildings and be less of an impact on the environment.
I am against this project as it will utilise agricultural land which should be used to assist the UK in being self sufficient instead of importing food with the commensurate large "carbon footprint"....
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This is yet another plan to remove thousands of acres of this county’s productive farmland, in order for politicians to declare that they are reaching a “green” success target. The wilful destruction...
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Main issues are the threat to UK food security by large scale or mass solar installation on food producing land or green belt. There will be a massive problem at the end of lifecycle for these...
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Anything that affects my day to day life; my mental health is being greatly affected. Reasons; The proposed One Earth solar farm is almost upon my home. My home is on a high risk flood area, this farm...
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What's the problem with warming? Warming since the Little Ice Age has been unequivocally beneficial and the same applies to the rise in CO2 in the air. How much is this warming at present anyway?...
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I think it is horrendous how the government is planning for thousands of acres of good farm land in Lincolnshire to be under solar panels. It is similar to thousand of acres in Scotland planted with...
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We need our own mix of wind, solar, nuclear and gas. We can not be held ransom to foreign countries making us overpay for power. There will be far more wildlife under these panels than in an open...
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I strongly believe that solar power generation should never be allowed on any agricultural land or even unused land that could potentially be turned into food growing, environmentally friendly land....
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The loss of usable farm land will be detrimental to the food industry, the farmers and their families, especially in the case of tenant farmers. The fencing being proposed at the intended solar land...
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I believe that, in the current financial situation, the UK should be producing more home grown food and not using good quality farm land for solar farms. I wonder how much energy will be used in the...
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We need this to remain as farm land
We already import huge quantities of food. The land which is to be used for solar panels in my area is good quality arable land. It is sinful to cover it with solar panels, when they could be situated...
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I am the joint owner of some of the land affected by the proposed development. I am in favour of the proposed development, as it will contribute to the efforts needed to move away from burning fossil...
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Completely crazy to risk out food security covering the best farm land in the UK in solar panels. Lincolnshire is one of if not the most productive county for arable and vegetable crops in the UK. The...
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My wife and I are nearing our 70s, well over state retirement age and are looking forward to a regular income rather that one reflecting market irregularities and being able to remain in our own home.
I am happy with this scheme to go ahead. The Company has engaged with me regarding screening and have incorporated my comments into its project on areas around my home. I will be able to continue to...
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I approve of this project. This solar scheme will benefit our farm and allow us to employ another one or two members of staff for our free range eggs business. Our land will not need government...
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On behalf of Springthorpe Parish Meeting I wish to request that the National Inspector REFUSES permission for the planning application made by Tillbridge Solar Ltd to proceed The reasons are various...
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I am in favour of this development. If it goes ahead we will have to import less gas to produce the electricity we need. There is plenty of distribution infrastructure available le in the area to move...
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My initial comments relate to my concern over the use of solar panels in an unsuitable location (latitude), on land that should be used for agriculture, and others which I will submit at a later date.
NO to solar farms. Many other viable alternatives available. We don't want our countryside sacrificed with the inevitable price rise of food. We'll just move from energy insecurity to food food...
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Why take away fertile farm land to build this monstroserty in the countryside when there are thousands of opportunities to put them on the roofs of factories, supermarket, office buildings etc., and...
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Solar Farms MUST not be built on green-field. Follow lead of other countries and require ALL Industrial buildings, warehouses, office blocks to have roof top solar systems. Our countryside is needed...
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I object to the use of farmland for these solar farms because I think better use of the land would be to build more nuclear power stations as they would produce far more electricity .
Why are you not putting solar panels on every new build house and existing large buildings first. Every single government and council owned building should be utilised first. Building on prime...
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I cannot see why good farmland should be used to generate electricity. We need to be as self sufficient for food as we can be. We shall not need electric if we are all starving. Also Lincolnshire is a...
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I consider the proposed project to be a very useful contribution towards efforts to reach net zero in the U.K. The proposed location means it will have little visual impact on the amenity value of the...
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Farmland should not be used for ANY project apart from increasing farm produce to cope with the increasing population. This is so basic, any Government who cares about its population wouldn't have to...
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The destruction of farmland is the most evil act
if it wasn’t for the surrounding countryside I wouldn’t be here now, the green fields are my saviour, especially for my mental health, also keeping myself fit and the local wildlife, I don’t want to...
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Historic England The Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for England (HBMCE) is better known as Historic England, and we are the Government’s adviser on all aspects of the historic environment...
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The proposed land should be kept for farming to ensure our food security. With the ban on onshore wind farms thankfully being lifted, this is a much better option for dual use than having the land...
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Glentworth Parish Council is opposed to this application as we believe on its own and taken with the other proposed solar farm developments that are coming forward at the same time (West Burton,...
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The huge scale of all of the proposed solar projects in such a concentrated small area is destruction of the rural environment pretty much forever. No one knows or no one is saying what the future...
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Solar fields built on farmland are jeopardising food securty for the country. In fact there should be no solar fields built on farmland at all ever. There are plenty of other ways to increase so...
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I am vehemently against covering valuable farm land with grossly unethical, inefficient and deadly solar panels for land grabbing , corporate gain.
Besides the functional value of our cherished countryside (farming and preservation of nature being two examples) it’s splendour is integral to the soul of our nation and in this instance, our county....
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I am Registering as an Agent to comment on behalf of one of the affected landowners Good Morning I represent Martin Casswell, [REDACTED] My client is not in favour of the scheme as he will lose his...
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Solar panels on this area are taking up good productive farmland and are detrimental to rich wildlife thriving in this area . Objection 2 Solar power is not efficient in the UK climate due to lack of...
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All solar power systems should be on top of existing buildings,car parks, brown field sites etc and not on agricultural land. Using agricultural land for any other purpose is counterproductive .
I am a resident in the area of the proposed cable route corridor and am concerned about the potential impact this will have on our day-to-day lives.
My concern is the cost of food climbing due to reduced local land which will also have a knock on effect to raise pollution having vehicles importing food.
Why do you give permission to cover top quality farmland with solar panels. There is so many other options. These include large warehouses, land around these warehouses, old powerstation sites,...
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How can you allow farmland thats used for growing crops to be turned over to solar. It does not make sense. We need to be more reliant on home grown produce and not have to import so much food . Look...
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The scale of these solar farms in Linconshire are huge and this is going to devastate the UKs ability to feed its population as well as devastate rural communities. This need a proper national debate...
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Food growing farm land being lost to industrial solar installations makes absolutely no sense at all! Leaving Britain having to import more food would just be taking one problem and swopping it for...
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The proposed works will take out of production farm land and further put at risk our food security. The scale of these proposals will have a detrimental visual effect which will not be able to be...
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The solar developement is madness. The land is needed for farmland to feed people and to help the ecosystems and wildlife. The uk is not ideal for solar power and solar panels should only be installed...
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We are using up our arable farm land for wind turbines, houses and these panels. This in my opinion is not right! What good will expensive energy be to the public when we can't eat!? In my view...
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