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The following representations are submitted on behalf of Northern Powergrid (Yorkshire) Plc (‘Northern Powergrid’) as an electricity undertaker for the area within which the Tillbridge Solar DCO...
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1.1. This submission is the Relevant Representation (RR) of West Lindsey District Council (WLDC) in relation to the Tillbridge Solar Project (TSP), submitted for determination for development consent,...
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This whole project along with other developments will completely industrialise the rural community that I want to live in. I moved to Glentworth because I love living a rural life. I accept poor...
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Where is all the food coming from if we continue to build on them? Importing? Then that surely is not looking after the best interests of the people. We are an island surrounded by water. There are no...
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This planning application is taking good farmland out of the food chain. The acreage of productive farmland to be sacrificed for solar farms proposed for this area is too high over 7000 acres. This is...
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I am writing to object to this proposal. So many of the sections of the reports paid for by the Applicant state that the effects of the development will be ‘negligible’. I argue that the combination...
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Lincolnshire is the arable heart of the UK, growing around 1/8 of our food. To intentionally destroy great swathes of this county's agricultural land seems deeply unwise and the Tillbridge project...
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I am extremely concerned about the swathes of farmland to be covered by solar energy panels. The land will be out of agricultural use for 40 years and then will be considered a brownfield site for...
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Don’t propose the project to go ahead
I strongly disagree with the use of farm land being used for such a vast area of solar panels. The proposed panels are tall, will be an eyesore, as we as causing irreparable damage to the quiet and...
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I am against this proposal. I consider myself to be very green but I think the installation of solar panels on such a huge scale is a total disaster. Firstly I don’t think Tillbridge solar farm...
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Concern about the impact on wildlife given the fencing required. Concern about the loss of productive farm land
Productive farmland should not be utilised for solar panels. It will industrialise the countryside and make us more friend want upon imports ( aren’t we supposed to be doing that less?) Italy has...
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Concern at the damage caused to the environment, which will take decades to renew, if ever. Absolutely believe the Country will get more benefit farming the area to give more food security, given the...
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I strongly object to the Tillbridge solar farm proposal. It is just 1 of many Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs) within a few miles of each other and together these would create...
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Solar panels should be placed on building roofs not on productive agricultural land. We would have to import the lost amount of self produced food. This would mean further destruction of woodland...
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The Tilbridge application will have a great impact on the proposed area it is incomprehensible that it could be approved. the rationale behind these comments is set out below. 1. the location - the...
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I agree with the proposal
My family and I live on a property near the edge of the Tillbridge project. Where it ends the Cottom project takes over. We are completely surrounded. We moved here twenty years ago because we wanted...
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Having owned solar panels, they are not as efficient as people believe. When the weather is overcast, the panels produce little or no energy. Our villages are under the flight path of military...
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Bad impact on the environment Loss of important agricultural land Better alternatives Panels only have a short useful life (20 years) High cost of removal or replacement. Weather damage to Panels Will...
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I totally oppose this desecration of English countryside and farming land. It's of no use, will not solve the problem and combined with other mad Government measures, result in higher energy costs and...
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This project must be stopped. Solar panels have no place on agricultural land, greenfield sites and important habitat for wildlife. Solar panels should be put on roads and fences (like in Asia), on...
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I have objections to the proposed development for the following reasons. This is one of several applications either due to be made or already at the planning approvals phase. All proposals need to be...
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This planning application must be halted. I am so concerned about the social, health and environmental issues involved. The mental and physical health of thousands of people living nearby will be...
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