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We moved to our current property in March, with no awareness of this project, despite the various searches our solicitors went though. We don't use much electricity and would never be brainwashed into...
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Food security is much more important than Solar Energy. Therefore this development should not be carried out on productive farmland.
The proposed project is unacceptable, when considered with the other proposals linking to West Burton, because: it will destroy productive farmland for the rest of my lifetime and beyond, at a time...
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I am objecting to this do to the fact the it will take away valuable land for growing crops and the noise and traffic to people living near it
This is yet another huge development close to 3 others which have already gone through the NSIP process. The cumulative impact of these schemes is ridiculous and if approved will take over 13,000...
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Quality arable land such as this should not be used for solar projects when we need to become more food secure. Solar will never make more energy than what it costs to produce them in their short...
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There are alot better alternatives than to have mega idustrial solar farms funded by none uk enterties- far better to have lots of smaller privatly owned generation systems ie utilising wind bio...
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Destruction of the local environment Decimation of agricultural workforce Threat to UK food security Loss of safe roosting places for migrating birds Loss of natural habitats and food sources for...
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Excessive number of solar panels where I live
This project is not a Solar ‘Farm’ it is the industrialisation of good food production farm land.
I oppose the use of valuable and productive farmland for inefficient solar industrial sites. The rural landscape will be obliterated if this industrialisation is allowed to take place and the energy...
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I am totally against this project being approved. There are already 3 other similarly sized project going through the PINS process that are in the immediate vicinity of Tillbridge Lane. If all four...
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The loss of this farmland will be detrimental to the UK food supply, impacting the farmers and their families incomes. The fencing surrounding the proposed solar farms and increased traffic during...
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The project is appalling. Taking away prime agricultural land is shortsighted. The cost of transporting food we need would exceed any benefit derived from these solar panels. Make every new home built...
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It seems a absolute joke
Farmland should be used for farming and the production of food. We have to import food because we cannot produce enough for our own needs. Solar and wind power should be kept offshore.
The area covered by the Tillbridge proposal is an important area frequented by diverse wildlife which I and my family have enjoyed seeing daily on walks and cycling, we've seen many hares and leverets...
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Thousands of acres of solar panels would damage the rural landscape, destroy diversity of wildlife, and drastically reduce agricultural production. The technology will be obsolete in a few years and...
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This development if it goes ahead will totally alter the rural nature of this area and change it into an industrialised zone. The sheer area that this intends to cover is huge, and when combined with...
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Farmland should be used to produce food, be it vegetables or meat, Solar should not and does not belong on productive land, there are many houses, industrial estates, factories, farm buildings where...
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The whole strategy of looking for solar to generate 70Gigawatts of electricity by 2035 is flawed. This scale of output will need the sacrifice of at least 70,000 hectares of farmland. This is a...
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Why has lincolnshire been selected for so many solar projects? Why have solar projects been prioritised over wind farms? Wind farms can generate more power than required hence why they get turned off...
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I wish to protest against the building of the Tillbridge Solar Farm for the following reasons: a) Solar is an inefficient technology: the cost of this installation would better be diverted into...
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I strongly object to this project as this will be a huge blight on the countryside in which I live. I choose to live in the countryside for the simple reason it is the countryside. If I wanted to live...
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I am strongly in favour or this project. Without radical and immediate change led by major projects like this, society will not survive the next 100 years.