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Advice to National Grid

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National Grid
Date advice given
13 December 2011
Enquiry type

We are now at a point on the Kings Lynn project where our focus is turning to the preparation of the DCO documentation one key part of which is the Consultation Report. To this end I have attached three documents, a draft report outline and the options for the structure off the appendices. As you are aware we have structured our consultation over three stages, the first 2 being informal but summarised in ?Feedback Reports?. The first option for the appendices would include the Stage 1 and Stage 2 Feedback Reports followed in each case by their relevant appendices (as they currently stand). The second option would just include the reports themselves without their appendices (other than the appendices for the Stage 3 Consultation Report itself).

I would appreciate your informal view as to which approach would be better, the second option seams a little excessive but we are more than happy to go down this route if its considered appropriate.

Advice given

Please find attached the IPC's comments in relation to the structuring of the consultation report prepared by National Grid in advance of submitting the proposed King's Lynn application.


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