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Advice to Mr Trew Barnet and Chase Farm Hospitals

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Mr Trew Barnet and Chase Farm Hospitals
Date advice given
13 February 2013
Enquiry type

Barnet and Chase Farm Hospitals Trust queried how the proposal affects their hospitals, so that it can decide whether to make a statement of representation. The Trust asked for confirmation on whether it is the Barnet or Chase Farm sites (or both) that are currently supplied via this section of the grid.

Advice given

The following advice was provided:

The Planning Act 2008 and associated regulations lists certain bodies, including 'relevant statutory undertakers', to be notified of an accepted application and invited to the preliminary meeting. The Barnet and Chase Farm Hospitals Trust has been identified as a 'relevant statutory undertaker' associated with the North London Electric Line Reinforcement Proposal, this is the reason for the Trust receiving the recent correspondence dated 24 January 2013.

In answer to your question, we do not hold the information which would confirm whether the Barnet or Chase Farm sites (or both) are supplied via this section of electric line. You may wish to contact the applicant directly with this query on: 0800 319 6186.

I have included a direct link below to two of the application documents which you may find of use for an overview of the proposal:

Planning Statement:

Environmental Statement Non Technical Summary Volume 1: