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Dod o hyd i Brosiect Seilwaith Cenedlaethol

Gwasanaeth beta yw hwn - bydd eich adborth yn ein helpu i'w wella.

Cyngor i Helen Bowler

Yn ôl i'r rhestr


Helen Bowler
Y dyddiad y rhoddwyd y cyngor
18 Awst 2015
Math o ymholiad

COMPLAINT - National Grid plc re RWE Electrical Infrastructure ENO20019

You are aware of the proposed Viking Link from Denmark to Bicker Fen.

Local residents are alarmed that N.G. is just pushing ahead with the proposed project when there has been not a single word of consultation.

You are to consider the Viking Link project alongside the RWE Triton Knoll (ENO20019) electricity infrastructure application starting 3/9/15, because of cumulative effect, environmental destruction etc., when it is totally unnecessary with the links and capacity available near Grimsby on the coast.

How can P.I. consider any aspect of the Viking Link without prior consultation by N.G. with residents across Lincolnshire, various councils etc etc?

I await your reply. Various councils, residents, and other representatives are requesting postponement of the P.I. enquiry until full consultation has taken place.

Letters and e-mails from residents, councils, our M.P. and M.E.P. have all been ignored by N.G., or they say they have no information. This is clearly totally unacceptable, as it is obvious that N.G. has all its plans in place for the Viking Link. N.G. should not be able to ride roughshod over residents who will be badly affected by the scheme, as has happened in the past in Bicker Parish.

Cyngor a roddwyd

Dear Mr and Mrs Bowler,

Following my conversation with Mr Bowler this morning I said I would follow up outlining what we discussed in an email.

As you are aware, the Triton Knoll Electrical System (TKES) application has been submitted by Triton Knoll Offshore Wind Farm Limited to the Planning Inspectorate to be determined under the Planning Act 2008 following a Direction under S35 of the Planning Act 2008 from the Secretary of State, determining this as a Nationally Significant Infrastructure project.

The Planning Inspectorate is aware of the Viking Link project, proposed by National Grid Interconnector Holdings Limited and its development partner, given the number of TKES relevant representations we have received that discuss it. However, at present, there is limited information on this project as it still appears to be at an early planning stage.

It is not possible for the Planning Inspectorate to prohibit one developer from submitting an application for development consent because there is potentially another development happening close by in the future. However, the Examining Authority for the TKES project has identified ?cumulative effects, including the relationship to the Viking Link Interconnector? in their Initial Assessment of Principal Issues identified in the Rule 6 letter recently sent out to interested parties.

The Rule 6 letter can be found here:

The inclusion of the consideration of the cumulative impact of the TKES application with the Viking Link project as a principal issue in the TKES examination may be discussed at the preliminary meeting on 3 September 2015 as identified in the agenda provided in the Rule 6 letter under ?Examining Authority?s Initial Assessment of Principal Issues ? see Annex C?.

It is my understanding that Mr Bowler will not be able to attend the meeting due to ill health, however following the meeting an audio recording will be available on our website here: we will endeavour to have this uploaded to our website by Monday 7 September 2015.

I would like to re-iterate that the Viking Link project has not been submitted to the Planning Inspectorate to be determined under the Planning Act 2008. However the Examining Authority will consider the potential cumulative impact of this scheme on the TKES project based on the information available to them when assessing the application for development consent for the Triton Knoll Electrical System.