Rydym yn defnyddio rhai cwcis hanfodol i wneud i'r gwasanaeth hwn weithio.
Hoffem hefyd ddefnyddio cwcis dadansoddol fel y gallwn ddeall sut rydych yn defnyddio'r gwasanaeth a gwneud gwelliannau.
Rydych chi wedi derbyn cwcis dadansoddol. Gallwch newid eich gosodiadau cwci ar unrhyw adeg.
Rydych chi wedi gwrthod cwcis dadansoddol. Gallwch newid eich gosodiadau cwci ar unrhyw adeg.
Beta Gwasanaeth beta yw hwn - bydd eich adborth yn ein helpu i'w wella.
Mae'r rhestr isod yn cynnwys cofnod o gyngor a roddwyd gennym ar gyfer y prosiect hwn.
Mae dyletswydd statudol, o dan adran 51 Deddf Cynllunio 2008, ynglŷn â chais neu ddarpar gais. Mae hyn yn cynnwys cofnodi enw'r unigolyn a ofynnodd am y cyngor a'r cyngor a roddwyd. Mae'n rhaid i'r wybodaeth hon gael ei chyhoeddi.
Chwiliwch yn ôl geiriau allweddol neu enw'r unigolyn y rhoddwyd y cyngor iddo.
Yn dangos 1 i 17 o 17 o ddogfennau, gyda'r rhai mwyaf newydd yn gyntaf.
Canlyniadau fesul tudalen View 25 results per page | View 50 results per page | 100
The applicant has agreed to certain wording in respect to the clearance under watercourses to be included in the Construction Method Statement. The version of the CMS submitted for deadline 6 did not ... Darllen mwy
The Applicant emailed the Planning Inspectorate setting out, in their opinion that a minimum of two days should be allocated in January 2016 for the compulsory acquisition hearing and suggesting that ... Darllen mwy
Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) asked the Planning Inspectorate for advice on 3 December 2015 on how they could submit a response for Deadline 4, setting out their position with respect to a joint s... Darllen mwy
COMPLAINT - National Grid plc re RWE Electrical Infrastructure ENO20019 You are aware of the proposed Viking Link from Denmark to Bicker Fen. Local residents are alarmed that N.G. is just push... Darllen mwy
I have received an email notification from you and been on RWE?s website which talks about a S56 consultation which will run between June 12 and July 13. RWE?s press release states that ?it is through... Darllen mwy
Advice provided under s51 of the Planning Act 2008 (as amended) to the applicant following the decision to accept the application for examination on 21 May 2015.
Comments requested on the draft Report to Inform an Appropriate Assessment
The applicant submitted their draft Approach to EIA chapter to the Planning Inspectorate for comment.
Draft document meeting with the developer
Would like to know how to engage in examination and contribute to acceptance decision.
The applicant asked questions on the following matters: Question 1 ? submission date of 24 April and purdah implications Question 2 ? any implications if the Triton Knoll Electrical System DCO was a... Darllen mwy
Meeting between the Planning Inspectorate and Triton Knoll Offshore Wind Farm Limited in relation to the proposed Triton Knoll Electrical System.
Letter received by The Planning Inspectorate from Mark Simmonds MP for Boston and Skegness addressed to the Rt. Hon Ed Davey MP.
If land is owned by a Trust, how should the Trust be considered when applying for authorisation for access to land under Section 53 of the Planning Act?
Section 51 advice regarding Evidence Plan process.
A teleconference presentation regarding Evidence Plans and the 2014 Government Review