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Rydych chi wedi gwrthod cwcis dadansoddol. Gallwch newid eich gosodiadau cwci ar unrhyw adeg.
Beta Gwasanaeth beta yw hwn - bydd eich adborth yn ein helpu i'w wella.
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Yn dangos 201 i 211 o 211 o sylwadau, gyda'r rhai mwyaf newydd yn gyntaf.
Canlyniadau fesul tudalen 25 | View 50 results per page | View 100 results per page
Application by AQUIND Limited (Promoter) for an Order Granting Development Consent for the AQUIND Interconnector (Order). Objection by Southern Gas Networks Plc (SGN). Addleshaw Goddard LLP acts on... Darllen mwy
Hello, I would like to object to the plans for the site off Locksway Road in the old St James' Hospital grounds. There will be so much disruption to the already busy, congested queued up roads, over... Darllen mwy
Sport England has a statutory duty to protect playing field which has been used or last used within the last 5 years. We also have a non-statutory responsibility to protect existing sports facilities... Darllen mwy
The Aquind proposal has an impact on where I reside. The proposal is to access a track to bring in the equipment which my garden overlooks. there is also an option that a telegraph pole in my garden... Darllen mwy
I spent many years working in the Electricity Supply Industry and am acutely aware of the need for a secure and reliable energy supply. I believe this outweighs all other considerations.
Our home is 8m from the proposed cable, my wife has a [] with is effected by magnetic fields, plus Aquind failed to answer some of my concerns. Eg. noise (buzz) from cable, effect on house prices.
Dear Sir / Madam We refer to the above application for development consent in respect of the Aquind Interconnector Trinity House is the General Lighthouse Authority for England, Wales, the Channel... Darllen mwy
Hambledon PC believes that it is important to represent the interests of the residents of the Parish, since they will inevitably be affected by road access issues during installation of the... Darllen mwy
We will be formally responding the the Draft DCO proposals by the deadline set. Our comments and recommendations will cover Land Contamination and groundwater protection to safe guard Portsmouth... Darllen mwy
Will the inter connector have an adverse affect on the location where I live and will the surrounding area suffer environmental damage?
The primary area of my concern is the route of the proposed interconnector, especially through the Milton area of Portsmouth. This is in relation to the inconvenience in the construction/installation... Darllen mwy
tudalen cyfeiri
Yn dangos 201 i 211 o 211 canlyniadau