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Nautilus Interconnector

Project information

About the project

Type of application: Electric Lines

Name of applicant: National Grid Ventures

Nautilus Interconnector is a proposed second Interconnector between Great Britain and Belgium. It would create a new 1.4 gigawatts (GW) high voltage direct current (HVDC) electricity link between the transmission systems of Great Britain and Belgium. If constructed, the Nautilus Interconnector could supply power to one million homes.
The project would involve the construction of a converter station in each country and the installation of offshore and onshore underground direct current cables (HVDC) between each converter station and underground alternating current cables (HVAC) between the converter station and substation in each country.
In the UK, the offer from National Grid Electricity Transmission (NGET) allows for a connection at a new 400kV substation located close to the Sizewell 400kV network, provisionally referred to as ‘Leiston 400kV’. The current NGET substation location being promoted is less than ten kilometres from the coast.

Project stage

This project has been withdrawn.

You will be able to view any documents and information until the project is archived.

Project location

Proposed in Suffolk, in proximity to the coast near Sizewell.

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