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Advice to Christine Ross

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Christine Ross
Date advice given
13 August 2024
Enquiry type

Dear Sir or Madam, I feel the need to email in response to your plans for Minster Marshes. In response to your correspondence regarding the changes to your plans, I do not see any radical changes that will help in alleviating the damage to the surrounding area and more over the wildlife. Your plans for the additional foraging habitat for the birds moving inland from Pegwell Bay on land south of of the existing Richborough to Canterbury 400kv overhead line seems to be directing birds to fly directly towards the hazardous pylons which would be disastrous. This is just one of my concerns of which there are numerous. This whole plan is disastrous for wildlife, the environment, the area and the people living within the surrounding area whom this whole project is going to affect. Why can this project not be moved to the far less environmentally damaging area of North Foreland ( K1a ) to site B must be also more cost effective for Sealink as there is no need for the expense of piling. It is located in an area already designated as a business park and in reasonable distance for connecting to the overhead line. I appreciate that we need clean, secure, renewable energy but not at any cost. Nothing will replace or compensate for the loss of this unique and beautiful habitat and terrain. I have 5 grandchildren and I fear that as they grow up they will never know the beauty of the green spaces, wildlife and biodiversity that I have enjoyed in my life. We seem to be on a mission to cover all green spaces in houses, gardens in plastic grass and concrete and places like Minster Marshes into areas devoid of wildlife habitat. I along with my fellow residents of Thanet politely ask that you rethink this whole plan. PLEASE RETHINK SEALINK. Kind Regards

Advice given

Dear Christine, Thank you for your email. The proposed application for the Sea Link Project is currently at the Pre-application stage of the Planning Act 2008 process. Further information about the process can be found in the link below to the National Infrastructure Planning website: The Planning Inspectorate is unable to consider representations about the merits of any application until it has been submitted and accepted for Examination. We note that you have also sent your email to the developer of the proposed project (National Grid). As the application has not yet been formally submitted to the Planning Inspectorate any comments concerning the merits of the proposed development should be submitted directly to them: Email: Telephone: 0808 134 9569. Post: Freepost SEA LINK. It is important that the developer is made aware of your comments at the Pre-application stage to enable them to consider the points raised before finalising their proposals and submitting the application. Should the application be accepted for Examination you will be able to register as an Interested Party by submitting a relevant representation. This must be submitted on the ‘Registration and Relevant Representation form’ which will be made available on the project webpage of the National Infrastructure Planning website at the appropriate time. Further information about registering as an Interested Party can be found in the Planning Inspectorate’s Advice Note: You may also find it helpful to subscribe to us to receive email notifications for key events that occur after an application has been submitted to the Planning Inspectorate. This can be done by selecting ‘Get Updates’ on the Planning Inspectorate’s project webpage and then entering your email address: Kind regards