Advice to Bernie Pendle
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- From
- Bernie Pendle
- Date advice given
- 13 August 2024
- Enquiry type
As a resident of Ramsgate, I am appalled at the propsect of the loss of Minster Marches to the National Grid's plans. We are all increasingly aware of how the damage to our environment impact's negatively on the climate and infrastructure of whole areas of urban and rural land.
The Sealink Team could not have picked a more inappropriate place due to its environmental importance, land-based and marine biodiversity, access, potential on site and off site flooding, cumlulative impact of a number of developments close by, noise, visual impact, migrating bird strikes on pylons, proximity of villages/towns as well as the lack of opportunities for meaningful and appropriate mitigation..
Please re-visit this plan - as there must be more appropriate places in Kent that could host this project.
Bernie Morgan
Advice given
Dear Bernie
Thank you for your email.
The proposed application for the Sea Link Project is currently at the Pre-application stage of the Planning Act 2008 process. Further information about the process can be found in the link below to the National Infrastructure Planning website: The stages of the NSIP process and how you can have your say.
The Planning Inspectorate is unable to consider representations about the merits of any application until it has been submitted and accepted for Examination.
We note that you have also sent your email to the developer of the proposed project (National Grid). As the application has not yet been formally submitted to the Planning Inspectorate any comments concerning the merits of the proposed development should be submitted directly to them:
Email: Telephone: 0808 134 9569 Post: Freepost SEA LINK
It is important that the developer is made aware of your comments at the Pre-application stage to enable them to consider the points raised before finalising their proposals and submitting the application.
Should the application be accepted for Examination you will be able to register as an Interested Party by submitting a relevant representation. This must be submitted on the ‘Registration and Relevant Representation form’ which will be made available on the project webpage of the National Infrastructure Planning website at the appropriate time.
Further information about registering as an Interested Party can be found in the Planning Inspectorate’s ‘Advice Note: Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects: How to register to have your say and make a relevant representation - GOV.UK (
You may also find it helpful to subscribe to us to receive email notifications for key events that occur after an application has been submitted to the Planning Inspectorate. This can be done by selecting ‘Get Updates’ on the Planning Inspectorate’s project webpage and then entering your email address: Sea Link - Project information (
Kind regards