E1.4 Consultation Report Annex - Non-statutory consultation 19 April - 4 June 2023
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O Morgan Offshore Wind Limited and Morecambe Offshore Windfarm Limited
F2.6.1 Volume 2, Annex 6.1: Commercial fisheries technical report
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O Morgan Offshore Wind Limited and Morecambe Offshore Windfarm Limited
E1.14 Consultation Report Annex - Consultation under the Infrastructure Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations) 2017
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O Morgan Offshore Wind Limited and Morecambe Offshore Windfarm Limited
E1.3 Consultation Report Annex - Non-statutory consultation 2 November – 13 December 2022
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O Morgan Offshore Wind Limited and Morecambe Offshore Windfarm Limited
F3.7.6 Volume 3, Annex 7.6: Traffic flows with construction traffic
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O Morgan Offshore Wind Limited and Morecambe Offshore Windfarm Limited
E1.1 Consultation Report Annex - Consultation approach
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O Morgan Offshore Wind Limited and Morecambe Offshore Windfarm Limited
F4.2 Environmental Statement Volume 4, Chapter 2: Socio-economics
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O Morgan Offshore Wind Limited and Morecambe Offshore Windfarm Limited
F3.10.3 Volume 3, Annex 10.3: Visual baseline technical report
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O Morgan Offshore Wind Limited and Morecambe Offshore Windfarm Limited
F2.3 Volume 2, Chapter 3: Fish and shellfish ecology
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O Morgan Offshore Wind Limited and Morecambe Offshore Windfarm Limited
F3.5.2 Volume 3, Annex 5.2: Onshore archaeological geophysical survey report – Part 2 of 2
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O Morgan Offshore Wind Limited and Morecambe Offshore Windfarm Limited
E1.6 Consultation Report Annex - Section 47 of the Planning Act 2008 - The Statement of Community Consultation
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O Morgan Offshore Wind Limited and Morecambe Offshore Windfarm Limited
E1.8 Consultation Report Annex - Statutory Consultation 12 October – 23 November 2023 (Part 2 of 2)
(PDF, 29MB)
O Morgan Offshore Wind Limited and Morecambe Offshore Windfarm Limited
A4 Application Guide
(PDF, 821KB)
O Morgan Offshore Wind Limited and Morecambe Offshore Windfarm Limited
F1.6 Volume 1, Figures - Part 2 of 2
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O Morgan Offshore Wind Limited and Morecambe Offshore Windfarm Limited
F3.3.5 Volume 3, Annex 3.5: Aquatic invertebrate survey technical report
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O Morgan Offshore Wind Limited and Morecambe Offshore Windfarm Limited
F3.6 Volume 3, Chapter 6: Land use and recreation
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O Morgan Offshore Wind Limited and Morecambe Offshore Windfarm Limited
F3.12 Volume 3, Figures - Part 7 of 7
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O Morgan Offshore Wind Limited and Morecambe Offshore Windfarm Limited
E2.2 Habitats Regulations Assessment Stage 2 Information to Support Appropriate Assessment Part Two: Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) Assessment
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O Morgan Offshore Wind Limited and Morecambe Offshore Windfarm Limited
E1.16 Consultation Report Annex - Statutory consultation summary of responses and Applicants’ regard (Part 1 of 2)
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O Morgan Offshore Wind Limited and Morecambe Offshore Windfarm Limited
F3.9.1 Volume 3, Annex 9.1: Air quality impacts on ecologically designated sites
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O Morgan Offshore Wind Limited and Morecambe Offshore Windfarm Limited
F3.12 Volume 3, Figures - Part 1 of 7
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O Morgan Offshore Wind Limited and Morecambe Offshore Windfarm Limited
F 3.7.2 Volume 3, Annex 7.2: Traffic survey data – Part 2 of 3
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O Morgan Offshore Wind Limited and Morecambe Offshore Windfarm Limited
E5.1 Technical Engagement Plan Appendices Part 1 of 3
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O Morgan Offshore Wind Limited and Morecambe Offshore Windfarm Limited
F3.4.3 Volume 3, Annex 4.3: Intertidal birds technical report
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O Morgan Offshore Wind Limited and Morecambe Offshore Windfarm Limited
F3.12 Volume 3, Figures - Part 4 of 7
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O Morgan Offshore Wind Limited and Morecambe Offshore Windfarm Limited
F4.2.1 Volume 4, Annex 2.1: Socio-economics technical report
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O Morgan Offshore Wind Limited and Morecambe Offshore Windfarm Limited
F1 Non-Technical Summary
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O Morgan Offshore Wind Limited and Morecambe Offshore Windfarm Limited
F3.7.4 Volume 3, Annex 7.4: Base traffic flows
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O Morgan Offshore Wind Limited and Morecambe Offshore Windfarm Limited
F3.8 Volume 3, Chapter 8: Noise and vibration
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O Morgan Offshore Wind Limited and Morecambe Offshore Windfarm Limited
E1.5 Consultation Report Annex - Non-statutory consultation landowner engagement
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O Morgan Offshore Wind Limited and Morecambe Offshore Windfarm Limited
F2.7.1 Volume 2, Annex 7.1: Navigation risk assessment – Part 2 of 2
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O Morgan Offshore Wind Limited and Morecambe Offshore Windfarm Limited
F2.9 Volume 2, Chapter 9: Other sea users
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O Morgan Offshore Wind Limited and Morecambe Offshore Windfarm Limited
F3.2.1 Volume 3, Annex 2.1: Water Framework Directive surface water and groundwater assessment
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O Morgan Offshore Wind Limited and Morecambe Offshore Windfarm Limited
F1.4 Volume 1, Chapter 4: Site selection and consideration of alternatives
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O Morgan Offshore Wind Limited and Morecambe Offshore Windfarm Limited
J26 National Policy Statement Tracker
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O Morgan Offshore Wind Limited and Morecambe Offshore Windfarm Limited
B15 Offshore Statutory and Non-Statutory Nature Conservation Sites
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O Morgan Offshore Wind Limited and Morecambe Offshore Windfarm Limited
F4.1.2 Volume 4, Annex 1.2: Climate change risk assessment
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O Morgan Offshore Wind Limited and Morecambe Offshore Windfarm Limited
J1 Outline Code of Construction Practice
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O Morgan Offshore Wind Limited and Morecambe Offshore Windfarm Limited
F3.3.2 Volume 3, Annex 3.4: Onshore ecology and nature conservation survey methodologies
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O Morgan Offshore Wind Limited and Morecambe Offshore Windfarm Limited
F1.3.2 Volume 1, Annex 3.2: Onshore Crossing Schedule Part 1 of 2
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O Morgan Offshore Wind Limited and Morecambe Offshore Windfarm Limited
F2.10 Volume 2, Figures - Part 5 of 5
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O Morgan Offshore Wind Limited and Morecambe Offshore Windfarm Limited
F3.10.5 Volume 3, Annex 10.5: Tree survey and arboricultural impact assessment – Part 1 of 2
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O Morgan Offshore Wind Limited and Morecambe Offshore Windfarm Limited
F2.6 Volume 2, Chapter 6: Commercial fisheries
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O Morgan Offshore Wind Limited and Morecambe Offshore Windfarm Limited
F2.8 Volume 2, Chapter 8: Marine archaeology
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O Morgan Offshore Wind Limited and Morecambe Offshore Windfarm Limited
F3.4.2 Volume 3, Annex 4.2: Wintering and migratory birds technical report – Part 1 of 2
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O Morgan Offshore Wind Limited and Morecambe Offshore Windfarm Limited
A2 Draft Section 55 checklist
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O Morgan Offshore Wind Limited and Morecambe Offshore Windfarm Limited
F3.3.15 Volume 3, Annex 3.15: White-clawed crayfish technical report
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O Morgan Offshore Wind Limited and Morecambe Offshore Windfarm Limited
J27 Consents and Licences Required Under Other Legislation
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O Morgan Offshore Wind Limited and Morecambe Offshore Windfarm Limited
J1.3 Outline construction noise and vibration management plan
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O Morgan Offshore Wind Limited and Morecambe Offshore Windfarm Limited
F3.12 Volume 3, Figures - Part 3 of 7
(PDF, 50MB)
O Morgan Offshore Wind Limited and Morecambe Offshore Windfarm Limited