Advice to Flotation Energy and EnBW/bp
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- From
- Flotation Energy and EnBW/bp
- Date advice given
- 5 March 2024
- Enquiry type
Lastly, since out meeting, the Project has been reviewing our approach to the Information to Support Appropriate Assessment (ISAA) and I would like to seek the Inspectorate’s view. The ISAA will form one document for the application, however, we feel there is merit in presenting it 3 parts (and 3 files due to file size): • Part 1 of the ISAA would provide an overview of the HRA in general, background information and methodologies; • Part 2 would present the assessment on SACs; & • Part 3 would present the assessment of SPAs. It is our view that this format will make producing it and reviewing it easier, for example, habitats and mammals aspects will be in Part 2, and all ornithology aspects will be in Part 3. We consider that this approach will make the report easier to download and review. There would be clear cross referencing across the 3 parts. If the Inspectorate has any concerns or questions concerning this approach, we would be happy to schedule a short Teams call to discuss, if easier.”
Advice given
Thank you for your query relating to the Applicant’s approach to the Information to Support Appropriate Assessment (ISAA). In relation to the proposed structure of the ISAA, the proposed approach to split up the document to reduce file size sounds reasonable. However, we would urge you to avoid duplication between documents as much as possible and make best use of cross referencing