The list below includes a record of advice we have provided for this project.
Request for more detail about Compulsory Aquisition hearings on 8 and 9 October, whether the Council needs to attend, and if it wished to make an objection how it should do so.
For Halite Energy, Mr Humphreys asked about powers under s120 of the Planning Act 2008 to apply legislation in a Development Consent Order
At the first Development Consent Order hearing, held on Tuesday 24 July at the North Euston Hotel, the Panel advised that the Planning Inspectorate would issue advice under section 51 of the 2008 Plan...
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Ms McMillian called to explain that she had not registered as an interested party, but would like to participate in the examination.
Mr Renwick called to confirm the process for making requests to attend and speak at an open-floor hearing and how a petition of 600 persons in respect of the proposed Preesall Underground Gas Storage ...
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If the Secretary of State gives a direction deeming that hazardous substances consent (HSC) may be granted, who then formally issues the HSC and who acts as the hazardous substances authority (HSA) fo...
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The role of the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) in relation to applications for deemed hazardous substances consent and the relevant provisions of the Planning Act 2008.
Halite requested further details of their duty to carry out notifications of hearings during examination.
The IPC undertook outreach meetings with members of the public and others, and attended a meeting of the Community Liaison Panel.
Ms Purl asked whether or not Fleetwood Town Council were required to register as an intrested party in order to particpate in the examination into the Preesall Underground Gas Storage application.
Following the decision to accept the Preesall Gas Storage application for examination the IPC wrote to each of the local Members of Parliament, to let them know of the decision and how they and/or the...
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Burnley Borough Council asked about how statuory local authority consultees are indentified.
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council asked about how statutory local authority consultees are identified.
I have considered with Leading Counsel your comments in respect of the parties listed in Part 2 of the Book of Reference (category 3 persons with a right to claim) and whether they should also appear ...
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Has the IPC issued any advice or guidance on the matter of compulsory purchase compensation that those with an interest in land could read to better understand the situation and their rights?
Request for IPC advice regarding the draft book of reference for the proposed Preesall project.
Berwin Leighton Paisner (on behalf of Halite) requested comments from the IPC on their draft Habitats Regulations Assessment Report and Statement
What matters are relevant to the acceptance decision?
Developer requested comments on their draft Consultation Report.
With reference to the IPC?s Advice Note 6: Preparation and submission of application documents.
We are currently preparing the Environmental Statement for a NSIP and endeavouring to comply with the p...
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I am writing with a query in relation to the need for a separate ?rights plan? or whether this information can be included on the works plan.
As you know, under Regulation 5(2)(k) of the Infrastruct...
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Could I please check a point with you on application documents.
Regulation 6 of the infrastructure planning (Applications: Prescribed Forms and Procedure) Regulations 2009 relates to "matters prescri...
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Berwin Leighton Paisner (BLP) (on behalf of Halite) requested the IPC's comments on their draft Development Consent Order (DCO) and Explanatory Memorandum (EM)
IPC meeting with representatives of Halite, Berwin Leighton Paisner and Mott MacDonald to discuss the developer's draft Development Consent Order (DCO) and Explanatory Memorandum (EM)
See letter attached