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Advice to Berwin Leighton Paisner LLP

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Berwin Leighton Paisner LLP
Date advice given
7 July 2011
Enquiry type

In the absence of a bespoke form to apply for deemed hazardous substances consent through the Planning Act 2008, does the IPC have a view on whether it is appropriate to use the standard form of the hazardous substances authority as a template for submission of the HSC application to the IPC?

Advice given

Although there is no prescribed form, we agree that it would be appropriate to provide with your request for deemed hazardous substances consent, the same information (where relevant) that would ordinarily be submitted with an application to the local hazardous substances authority. It would also be helpful and facilitate any examination, should an application be accepted for examination, if you submitted draft conditions with your request which have been discussed (and if possible agreed) with HSE and the local authority that would have been the hazardoubs substances authority if you were not seeking deemed consent.