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Advice to DHL Freight and Contract Logistics (UK) Limited

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DHL Freight and Contract Logistics (UK) Limited
Date advice given
28 April 2016
Enquiry type

why have you contacted us regarding the Keuper Gas Storage project examination?

Advice given

You have received this letter regarding the Keuper Gas Storage Project because your organisation is a so called Category 3 person under the 2008 Planning Act (as amended) (PA2008). This means that DHL have a land interest that is impacted by the project and you might therefore be entitled to make a claim under s57(4) of PA2008 if the Secretary of State grants the developer a Development Consent Order.

As a Category 3 person the Planning Inspectorate has a legal obligation to notify DHL about any procedural decision relating to the examination of the project, such as notifying you about hearings, changes to the time table, and requests for information. However it does not mean that DHL as a category 3 person have to respond to any correspondence from the Examining Inspector unless DHL think it is in your interest.

The plot of land that relates to DHL is Plot no. 52 which can be viewed here:

http://infrastructure.planninginspectorate.gov.uk/wp-content/ipc/uploads/projects/EN030002/2. Post-Submission/Application Documents/Plans/2.2.2 KGSP Plan_611 B1.pdf

More details about the plot can be found in the Book of Reference on pages 192 and 201:

http://infrastructure.planninginspectorate.gov.uk/wp-content/ipc/uploads/projects/EN030002/2. Post-Submission/Application Documents/Compulsory Purchase Information/4.3 KGSP Book of Reference.pdf

Further information on how the Development Consent Order process works can be found in our Advice Note 8.5 Participating in the Examination:


If you have any queries do not hesitate to contact us via the Keuper Gas Storage mailbox: KeuperGSP@pins.gsi.gov.uk