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Willington C Gas Pipeline Examination timetable
The examination timetable shows the dates of events and deadlines for submissions.
If you have registered to have your say, you can do this in the examination stage.
The examination stage
The examination opened on 10 January 2014
The examination closed on 2 July 2014
10 January 2014 - Preliminary Meeting
ClosedPreliminary Meeting
20 January 2014 - Deadline 1
ClosedIssue by ExA of: Examination timetable ExA’s first round of written questions Request for Statements of Common Ground (SoCG) Request for draft matrices summarising the effects on European sites Request for mitigation and statutory undertaker schedules Request for updated Statement of Reasons Appendix Request for a private agreement schedule
12 February 2014 - Deadline 2
ClosedDeadline 1 Deadline for receipt by the ExA of: Comments on relevant representations (RRs) Summaries for all RRs exceeding 1500 words Written representations (WRs) by all interested parties. All parties should submit their full written case and supporting evidence at this stage, as any representations to be heard at a hearing should be based on a relevant or written representations Summaries of all WRs exceeding 1500 words Local Impact Reports (LIRs) from any local authorities Responses to ExA’s first round of written questions Notification of wish to speak at a compulsory acquisition hearing Notification of wish to make oral representations at the first issue specific hearing on the draft Development Consent Order (DCO) Notification of wish to make oral representations at any other issue specific hearing Notification of wish to speak at an open floor hearing Representations relating to locations to view at the site or in the surrounding area which are considered to be relevant for the ExA during the accompanied site visit to better understand representations made or to see land and interests where there is no other opportunity to gain public access. The ExA has already undertaken an unaccompanied site visits to look at the site from public vantage points along the pipeline route. The applicant’s draft matrices summarising the effects on European sites Mitigation and statutory undertaker schedules as requested Updated Statement of Reasons Appendix as requested Private agreement schedule as requested in
14 February 2014 - Deadline 3
ClosedIssue by ExA of: Notification of the date, time and place for any issue specific hearings, open floor hearings and compulsory acquisition hearings
19 February 2014 - Deadline 4
ClosedDeadline 2 Deadline for receipt by the ExA of: Statements of Common Ground (SoCGs) as requested
5 March 2014 - Deadline 5
ClosedDeadline 3 Deadline for receipt by the ExA of: Comments on WRs Responses to comments on RRs Comments on LIRs Comments on responses to ExA’s first round of written questions Comments on applicants draft matrices summarising the effects on European sites Comments on the mitigation and statutory undertaker schedules, Comments on the updated Statement of Reasons Appendix Comments on the private agreement schedule
11 March 2014 - Issue Specific Hearing 1
ClosedIssue Specific Hearing
12 March 2014 - Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 1
ClosedCompulsory Acquisition Hearing
13 March 2014 - Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 2
ClosedCompulsory Acquisition Hearing
7 April 2014 - Deadline 6
ClosedIssue by ExA of: Details of date, time and place of ExA’s inspection of a sites to which the application/specific matters relate in the company of Interested Parties
9 April 2014 - Issue Specific Hearing 2
ClosedIssue Specific Hearing
10 April 2014 - Open Floor Hearing
ClosedOpen Floor Hearing
16 April 2014 - Deadline 7
ClosedDeadline 4 Deadline for receipt by the ExA of: Post hearing documents including any written summary of an oral case put at any hearing and any documents/amendments requested by the ExA
24 April 2014 - Deadline 8
ClosedIssue by ExA of any: Second round of written questions Requests for any updated SoCGs
29 April 2014 - Site Visit (Accompanied)
ClosedAccompanied Site Visit
30 April 2014 - Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 3
ClosedComplusory Acquisition Hearing
1 May 2014 - Issue Specific Hearing 3
ClosedIssue Specific Hearing
12 May 2014 - Deadline 9
ClosedDeadline 5 Deadline for receipt by the ExA of: Responses to ExA’s second round of written questions Updated SoCGs as requested Applicant’s revised draft DCO, land and works plans and Book of Reference taking into account issues raised to date
20 May 2014 - Deadline 10
ClosedDeadline 6 Deadline for receipt by the ExA of: Comments on responses to ExA’s second round of written questions.
22 May 2014 - Issue Specific Hearing 4
ClosedIssue Specific Hearing
4 June 2014 - Deadline 11
ClosedIssue by ExA of: Final draft DCO
12 June 2014 - Deadline 12
ClosedDeadline 7 Deadline for receipt by the ExA of: Post-hearing documents including any written summary of an oral case put at any hearing and any documents/amendments requested by the ExA Comments on final draft DCO Comments on SoCGs received at deadline 5
19 June 2014 - Deadline 13
ClosedDeadline 8 Deadline for receipt by the ExA of: Responses to comments on ExA’s revised final draft DCO