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Advice to Goxhill Parish Council

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Goxhill Parish Council
Date advice given
26 November 2015
Enquiry type

Goxhill Parish Council - Humber Pipeline

Thank you for you recent email requesting Parish Council comments, particulary with regard to the traffic flow around the parish. The Parish Council do not meet until next Thursday (3rd December) and I cannot forward any comments until they have met at a full council meeting. I have forwarded your email to the councillors so that they may come prepared to the meeting, and will be able to email their decision on Friday 5th December.

I hope this is acceptable to the planning inspectorate.

Advice given

Thank you for your email. The inspectorate has not emailed you directly therefore I believe that the information that you are speaking about may have been conveyed to you from the North Lincolnshire Council representatives following a recent issue specific hearing. The council representatives where asked to encourage the Goxhill parish councillors to send in representations regarding the potential bypass.

If you wish to listen to the hearing the audio is available on our website:

I must draw your attention to the examination timetable and deadlines which can be found here:

The next deadline is Friday 27 November and that is the date that the examining authority would like the information to be provided. If you are unable to meet this deadline the examining authority may use his discretion to accept a late submission, but this cannot be guaranteed. I also wish to advise your that the next deadline for submission is 22 December.

I hope this information is useful. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further queries.