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Yorkshire and Humber CCS Cross Country Pipeline Examination timetable
The examination timetable shows the dates of events and deadlines for submissions.
If you have registered to have your say, you can do this in the examination stage.
The examination stage
The examination opened on 19 November 2014
The examination closed on 19 May 2015
19 November 2014 - Preliminary Meeting
ClosedPreliminary Meeting to discuss the examination procedure. It is important to appreciate that this meeting deals only with procedure, and not the merits of the application. Venue: Bishop Burton College, York Road, Bishop Burton, Beverley, HU17 8QG
18 December 2014 - Deadline 1
ClosedDeadline 1 Deadline for receipt of: (i) Local impact reports (LIR) from any local authorities (ii) Statements of Common Ground (SoCG) requested by the ExA – see Annex G (iii) Responses to ExA’s first written questions (iv) Comments on relevant representations (RRs) (v) Summaries of all RRs exceeding 1500 words (vi) Written representations (WRs) by all interested parties (vii) Summaries of all WRs exceeding 1500 words (viii) Comments on any submissions received prior to the preliminary meeting (ix) Schedule of compulsory acquisition (x) Schedule of mitigation (xi) Submissions from interested parties recommending locations or items for the itinerary for the accompanied site visit (xii) Any further information requested by the ExA for this deadline
Notifications (i) Notification by interested parties of wish to be heard at an open floor hearing (ii) Notification of wish to speak at a compulsory acquisition hearing (iii) Notification by interested parties of their intention to attend the accompanied site visit(s) (iv) Notification by statutory parties of wish to be considered an interested party
20 January 2015 - Deadline 2
ClosedDeadline 2 Deadline for receipt by the ExA of: (i) Comments on LIR (ii) Comments on responses to ExA’s first written questions (iii) Responses to comments on RRs (iv) Comments on WRs (v) Responses to comments on any submissions received prior to the preliminary meeting (vi) Any revised draft DCO from applicant (vii) Matrix produced by the applicant summarising the screening likely significant effects for each European protected site assessed (viii) Matrix produced by the applicant summarising the implications for the integrity of each European protected site assessed, where a likely significant effect either alone or in combination with other plans and projects has been identified (ix) Any further information requested by the ExA for this deadline
27 January 2015 - Deadline 3
ClosedAccompanied site visit
28 January 2015 - Deadline 4
ClosedAccompanied site visit
Open floor hearing – 6.30pm (doors open at 6.00pm)
28 January 2015 - Open Floor Hearing
ClosedOpen Floor Hearing
29 January 2015 - Deadline 5
ClosedIssue specific hearing on draft Development Consent Order (DCO)
29 January 2015 - Issue Specific Hearing 1
ClosedDevelopment Consent Order Hearing
3 February 2015 - Deadline 6
ClosedIssue specific hearing on construction operations (including water resources, drainage and reinstatement)
3 February 2015 - Issue Specific Hearing 2
ClosedConstruction Operations
4 February 2015 - Deadline 7
ClosedIssue specific hearing on minerals (am from 10.00am) and biodiversity (pm from 2.00pm)
4 February 2015 - Issue Specific Hearing 3
4 February 2015 - Issue Specific Hearing 4
5 February 2015 - Deadline 8
ClosedCompulsory aquisition hearing
5 February 2015 - Issue Specific Hearing 5
ClosedCompulsory Acquisition
6 February 2015 - Deadline 9
ClosedResidual issues hearing - This day is reserved for the discussion of any residual issues from the previous hearings. These will be clearly identified by the ExA if they are unable to examine the issue to their satisfaction within the allotted time period. If no issues are identified by the ExA over the course of the previous fortnight as requiring further examination, then there will be no hearing on this day.
6 February 2015 - Issue Specific Hearing 6
ClosedResidual Issues
17 February 2015 - Deadline 10
ClosedDeadline 3 Deadline for receipt of: (i) Applicant’s revised draft DCO (ii) Updated SoCGs (iii) Any information requested by the ExA at the hearings (iv) Written summaries of oral cases put at hearings (v) Any further information requested by the ExA for this deadline
4 March 2015 - Deadline 11
ClosedDeadline 4 Deadline for receipt of: (i) Comments on applicant’s revised draft DCO (ii) Any further information requested by the ExA for this deadline
11 March 2015 - Deadline 12
ClosedPublication of: (i) ExA’s second written questions to be published (if required) (ii) ExA’s Report on Implications for European Sites (RIES) to be published (if second written questions are not published) A banner on the Yorkshire and Humber CCS pages of the National Infrastructure website will be updated on this day to reflect which document has been published.
26 March 2015 - Deadline 13
ClosedDeadline 5 Deadline for receipt of: (i) Responses to ExA’s second written questions (if second questions were required) (ii) Any further information requested by the ExA for this deadline
1 April 2015 - Deadline 14
ClosedDeadline 6 Deadline for receipt of: (i) Comments on ExA’s Report on Implications for European Sites (RIES) (if RIES is published on Wednesday 11 March 2015) (ii) Any further information requested by the ExA for this deadline
2 April 2015 - Deadline 15
ClosedPublication of: ExA’s Report on Implications for European Sites (RIES) to be published (if second written questions are required)
16 April 2015 - Deadline 16
ClosedDeadline 7 Any further information requested by the ExA for this deadline.
24 April 2015 - Deadline 17
ClosedDeadline 8 Comments on any further information requested by the ExA received at Deadline 7.