The list below includes a record of advice we have provided for this project.
We are currently working on a rebuttal of National Grid's Minerals Report and on the Statement of Common Ground. My team wanted me to check with the Inspector whether we have to have this rebuttal wit...
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FAO Sarah Jones, In response to the invitation to attend preliminary meeting and availability of relevant representations, North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service would like to politely decline the in...
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Advice issued with regards to correspondence received from Drax Power Station Angling Club during relevant representation stage.
Request from the applicant for contact details of prescribed consultee 'Basic Power'.
Please find attached a letter sent to the applicant, providing s51 advice on matters which came to light during the acceptance stage of the Yorkshire and Humber CCS Cross Country Pipeline application
Teleconference between the Planning Inspectorate, National Grid and Natural England to discuss the Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA)
The applicant requested comments from the Planning Inspectorate on their further draft of the Consultation Report submitted on 17 April 2014
Teleconference to discuss draft documents submitted in March 2014 and general project update
The applicant requested comments from the Planning Inspectorate on the draft documents submitted in March 2014, including their draft sample Land Plans and the draft preamble to the Book of Reference
Query from the applicant regarding suitability of deposit locations for the application documents, and the format in which application documents should be provided to these deposit locations.
PINS comments on NG approach to the EIA.
Enquiry regarding the application of Regulation 7 of The Infrastructure Planning (Applications: Prescribed Forms and Procedure) Regulations 2009.
The applicant requested comments from the Planning Inspectorate on the draft documents submitted in January 2014, including their draft Development Consent Order (DCO), Explanatory Memorandum, Plans a...
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Meeting with applicant to provide update on the project.
PINS comments on the draft HRA document prepared for the Yorkshire to Humber CCS project.
Conference call with applicant to provide update on the project.
The applicant requested advice regarding both Protective Species Licensing and Sites of Special Scientific Interest.
Query regarding the designation of 'essential infrastructure' for the Above Ground Installations elements of the project.
Meeting with applicant to provide update on the project.
Conference call with applicant to provide update on the project.
Meeting note from conference call with the applicant in relation to project update.
Please could you provide clarity on the following queries regarding the Regulation 9 list and bodies listed:
- Bodies listed under ?The relevant Strategic Health Authority?. This term no longer ...
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Query over how the application will progress after the scoping phase.
To give an update on the proposed development (carbon capture and storage cross country pipeline) including discussions on recent DECC announcements, consultation, EIA, scoping, S.46, S.53, and any ot...
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Conference Call Regarding s.53 Requests