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A556 Knutsford to Bowdon Scheme Examination timetable

The examination timetable shows the dates of events and deadlines for submissions.

If you have registered to have your say, you can do this in the examination stage.

The examination stage

The examination opened on 3 September 2013

The examination closed on 3 March 2014

Upcoming deadlines and events

There are no deadlines and events

Past deadlines and events

3 September 2013 - Preliminary Meeting


Meeting to discuss the procedure for examining the application

12 September 2013 - Deadline 1


Issue of: Procedural timetable (Rule 8(1) and (2)) ExA first written questions (Rule 8(1)(b)(i) and (iii)) Request for futher information (Rule 17)

4 October 2013 - Deadline 2


Deadline for receipt by ExA of additional documents requested under Rule 17

4 October 2013 - Deadline 3


Deadline for receipt by the ExA of:

Comments on relevant representations (RRs) (Rule 8(1)(c)(i) and (d)(i) and Rule 3(2)(b))

Any summaries of RRs exceeding 1500 words (Rule 8(1)(i))

Written representations (WRs) (Rule 8(1)(a) and Rule 10(1) and(2))

Any summaries of WRs exceeding 1500 words (Rule 8(1)(i))

LIR by local authority (Rule 8(1)(j))

Responses to ExA’s first written questions (Rule 8(1)(b))

Statements of common ground (SoCG) (Rule 8(1)(e))

Notification of wish to make oral representations on the specific issue or issues being examined at the Issue Specific (IS) hearings, relating to alternative options and alignments including junction proposals, traffic flows and noise/air quality assessments; any amendments to the draft development consent order (DCO) and its requirements and protective provisions by interested parties (s91 (PA 2008) and Rule 8(1)(k))

Notification of wish to be heard at a compulsory acquisition (CA) hearing by affected persons (APs) (s92(2) (PA 2008) Rule 8(1)(f) and Rule 13(1))

Notification of wish to be heard at an open floor (OF) hearing by interested parties (IPs) (s93(1) PA 2008, Rule 8(1)(f) and Rule 13(1))

Notification of particular localities that interested parties or affected persons would wish the ExA to view.

10 October 2013 - Deadline 4


Notification by ExA of confirmed date(s) time(s) and place(s) for:

IS hearings (s91 PA 2008 Rule 13(3)(a) and Rule 8(1)(h))

CA hearing (s92 PA 2008 and Rule 13(3)(b))

OF hearings (s93 PA 2008 and Rule 13(3)(a))

Accompanied site visits (Rule 16(3))

18 October 2013 - Deadline 5


Issue of request for further information from the Highways Agency, A556 Lobby Group and Mere Residents Association.(Rule 17)

1 November 2013 - Deadline 6


Deadline for receipt by the ExA of:

Comments on WRs and responses to comments on RRs (Rule 8(1)(c) and (d) and Rule 10(5))

Comments on LIR (Rule 8(1)(j))

Comments on responses to ExA’s first written questions (Rule 8(c)(ii) and(d)(ii))

Responses to the request for further information from A556 Lobby Group and Mere Residents Association.(Rule 17)

7 November 2013 - Deadline 7


Issue of 2nd ExA written questions and a draft Report on the Integrity of European Protected Sites (RIES)

19 November 2013 - Deadline 8


Dealine for receipt by the ExA of: Responses to the request for further information from the Highways Agency.(Rule 17) The request for further information was issued on 18 October.

21 November 2013 - Deadline 9


Issue of request for further information from the Highways Agency on the extent of the Green Belt (Rule 17 request).

29 November 2013 - Deadline 10


Deadline for receipt by ExA of responses to 2nd ExA questions and the draft RIES

5 December 2013 - Deadline 11


Deadline for receipt by the ExA of response to request for further information from the Highways Agency on the extent of the Green Belt. The request was issued on 21 November 2013.

9 December 2013 - Site Visit (Accompanied) 1


Date reserved for initial accompanied site visits to application site and surrounding area (Rule 16(2))

10 December 2013 - Site Visit (Accompanied) 2


Date reserved for initial accompanied site visits to application site and surrounding area (Rule 16(2))

11 December 2013 - Issue Specific Hearing 1


Issue Specific Hearing on alternative options and alignments including junction proposals, traffic flows and noise/air quality assessments.

12 December 2013 - Issue Specific Hearing 2


Issue Specific Hearing on alternative options and alignments including junction proposals, traffic flows and noise/air quality assessments.

13 December 2013 - Issue Specific Hearing 3


Issue Specific Hearing on first consideration of DCO wording (Rule 8(1)(h)) including its requirements and protective provisions.

16 December 2013 - Deadline 12


Issue of request for further information from the Highways Agency (Rule 17).

17 December 2013 - Open Floor Hearing


An opportunity for members of the public to raise matters of concern to the Examining Authority.

18 December 2013 - Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 1


Time period reserved for any CA hearings (Rule 8(1)(h)) and related accompanied site visits

19 December 2013 - Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 2


Time period reserved for any CA hearings (Rule 8(1)(h)) and related accompanied site visits

20 December 2013 - Deadline 13


Deadline for receipt by ExA of any comments on responses to ExA 2nd questions and the draft RIES

20 December 2013 - Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 3


Time period reserved for any CA hearings (Rule 8(1)(h)) and related accompanied site visits

6 January 2014 - Site Visit (Accompanied) 3


Time period reserved for any further accompanied site visits arising out of the Examination.

7 January 2014 - Deadline 14


Deadline for receipt by the ExA of response to request for further information issued on 16 December 2013 (Rule 17).

7 January 2014 - Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 4


Time period reserved for any CA hearings (Rule 8(1)(h)) and related accompanied site visits

8 January 2014 - Issue Specific Hearing 4


Time period reserved for further IS Hearing on alterations to the wording of the draft DCO, its requirements and protective provisions

8 January 2014 - Site Visit (Accompanied) 4


Time period reserved for any further accompanied site visits arising out of the Examination.

9 January 2014 - Site Visit (Accompanied) 5


Time period reserved for any further accompanied site visits arising out of the Examination.

24 January 2014 - Deadline 15


Deadline for receipt by the ExA of:

  • any responses to representations made in relation to Draft National Networks NPS and National Infrastructure Plan 2013
  • any proposed amendments to the draft DCO, requirements and s106 undertakings (Rule 8(1)(k))
  • any written summary of the oral cases put at the IS, CA or OF hearings (Rule 8(1)(k))
  • any outstanding responses to requests for information
  • any outstanding documentation and information requested in the ExA’s second round of written questions
  • any outstanding documentation and information arising out of the hearings if not previously received
  • any amended application documentation

7 February 2014 - Deadline 16


Deadline for receipt by the ExA of response to request for further information from the Highways Agency on: -its position in relation to the applicability of the Compulsory Acquisition regulations to the extra land it seeks to include in the Development Consent Order.

17 February 2014 - Deadline 17


Deadline for reciept by the ExA of:

  • any comment on representations made in relation to Draft National Networks NPS and National Infrastrusture Plan 2013 and final deadline for comment on any documentation submitted after 29 November 2013
  • any submissions requesting a hearing on 20 February 2014 -any comments on Department of Transports press notice 'road and rail projects to boost local and regional transport' -Highways Agency response to National Grid's submission of 17 January 2014.
  • any comments on the documents submitted or published by 24 January 2014. -responses to request for further information issued on 31 January 2014 (Rule 17).

20 February 2014 - Deadline 18


A hearing will commence on this day at 10:00am at Cottons Hotel, Manchester Road, Knutsford, WA16 0SU.

20 February 2014 - Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 5


Compulsory Acquisition Hearing - 20/02/2014 - 10.00 - Cottons Hiotel, Manchester Road, Knutsford

28 February 2014 - Deadline 19


Final date for : -any responses to comments made by 17 February 2014 -any written summary of the oral cases put at any further hearings and for the outstanding documentation to be taken account of by the Examining Authority (Rule 8 (1)(k)