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Heysham to M6 Link Road Examination timetable
The examination timetable shows the dates of events and deadlines for submissions.
If you have registered to have your say, you can do this in the examination stage.
The examination stage
The examination opened on 4 April 2012
The examination closed on 20 September 2012
7 February 2012 - Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 1
ClosedThe IPC is holding a drop in session to help people with an interest in this proposal to understand the planning process, when to register and how to make a representation to the IPC.
3 April 2012 - Deadline 1
ClosedPreliminary Meeting and start of the Examination
3 April 2012 - Preliminary Meeting
ClosedPreliminary meeting to discuss the agenda for the examination and the way in which the examination will be held.
12 April 2012 - Deadline 2
ClosedNotification by ExA of procedural decision including confirmation of the examination timetable and first written questions from the ExA under Rule 8 of the Infrastructure Planning (Examination Procedure) Rules 2010, the venues, times and dates of Issue Specific, Open Floor and Compulsory Acquisition hearings and accompanied site inspections.
8 May 2012 - Deadline 3
ClosedDeadline for receipt by the ExA of:
Comments on relevant representations (RRs) (Rule 8(1)(c)(i) and (d)(i) and Rule 3(2)(b))
Any summaries of RRs exceeding 1500 words (Rule 8(1)(i))
Written representations (WRs) (Rule 8(1)(a) and Rule 10(1) and(2))
Any summaries of WRs exceeding 1500 words (Rule 8(1)(i))
LIR by all local authorities (Rule 8(1)(j))
Responses to ExA’s first written questions (Rule 8(1)(b))
Any statements of Common Ground (SoCG) (Rule 8(1)(e))
Notification of wish to be heard at an Open Floor (OF) hearing by Interested Parties (IPs) (s93(1) PA 2008, Rule 8(1)(f) and Rule 13(1))
Notification of wish to be heard at a Compulsory Acquisition (CA) hearing by Affected Persons (APs) (s92(2) (PA 2008) Rule 8(1)(g) and Rule 13(1))
Notification of wish to make oral representations on the specific issue or issues being examined at the Issue Specific (IS) hearings relating to alternative options and alignments, traffic flows and noise assessments, amendments to the draft development consent order (DCO), Requirements and s106 undertakings (s91 (PA 2008) and Rule 8(1)(k)).
18 May 2012 - Deadline 4
ClosedIssue of notification by ExA of confirmed date(s) time(s) and place(s) for:
OF hearings (s93 PA 2008 and Rule 13(3)(a))
CA hearing (s92 PA 2008 and Rule 13(3)(b))
IS hearings (s91 PA 2008 Rule 13(3)(a) and Rule 8(1)(h))
Accompanied site inspections (Rule 16(3))
Issue of amended examination timetable.
31 May 2012 - Deadline 5
ClosedDeadline for receipt by the ExA of:
Comments on WRs and responses to comments on RRs, (including comments on legal representations on the conduct of the examination or issues to be considered) (Rule 8(1)(c) and (d) and Rule 10(5))
Comments on LIRs (Rule 8(1)(j))
Comments on responses to ExA’s first written questions (Rule 8(c)(ii) and(d)(ii))
7 June 2012 - Deadline 6
ClosedIssue of 2nd ExA written questions
29 June 2012 - Deadline 7
ClosedDeadline for receipt by ExA of responses to 2nd ExA questions
9 July 2012 - Deadline 8
ClosedInitial accompanied site inspection to application site and surrounding area including Heysham Port (Rule 16(2))
10 July 2012 - Deadline 9
ClosedIssue Specific hearing on alternative options and alignments at Lancaster Town Hall (Rule 8(1)(h))
10 July 2012 - Issue Specific Hearing 1
ClosedAlternative options and alignments.
10 July 2012 - Issue Specific Hearing 2
ClosedIssue Specific Hearing on alternative options and alignments, held on Tuesday 10 July 2012 at Lancaster Town Hall (9.30am)
11 July 2012 - Issue Specific Hearing 3
ClosedAlternative options and alignments
12 July 2012 - Deadline 10
ClosedIssue Specific hearing on traffic flows and noise assessments at Lancaster Town Hall (Rule 8(1)(h))
12 July 2012 - Issue Specific Hearing 4
ClosedTraffic flows and noise assessments
13 July 2012 - Issue Specific Hearing 5
ClosedTraffic flows and noise assessments
17 July 2012 - Deadline 11
ClosedOpen Floor hearing at Lancaster Town Hall (Rule 8(1)(f))
17 July 2012 - Open Floor Hearing 1
ClosedOpen Floor Hearing held on Tuesday 17 July 2012 at Lancaster Town Hall (2pm)
17 July 2012 - Open Floor Hearing 2
ClosedOpen Floor Hearing held on Tuesday 17 July 2012 at Lancaster Town Hall (9.30am)
18 July 2012 - Deadline 12
ClosedOpen Floor hearing at Torrisholme Methodist Church (Rule 8(1)(f))
18 July 2012 - Open Floor Hearing 3
ClosedOpen floor hearing for Heysham M6 Road Link
18 July 2012 - Open Floor Hearing 4
ClosedOpen Floor Hearing held on Wednesday 18th July 2012 at Lancaster Town Hall (1400)
24 July 2012 - Deadline 13
ClosedCompulsory Acquisition hearing at Lancaster Town Hall followed by accompanied site visit to Broadoak Leisure Buildings’ site.
24 July 2012 - Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 2
ClosedCompulsory Purchase Hearing held on Tuesday 24 July 2012 at Lancaster Town Hall (9.30am)
25 July 2012 - Deadline 14
ClosedCompulsory Acquisition hearing and Issue Specific hearing relating to the DCO and undertakings relevant to Lancaster and Morecambe College at Lancaster Town Hall followed by accompanied site visit to the College site.
25 July 2012 - Deadline 15
ClosedDeadline for receipt by ExA of: Any comments on responses to ExA 2nd questions.
25 July 2012 - Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 3
ClosedCompulsory Purchase Hearing held on Wednesday 25 July 2012 at Lancaster Town Hall (9.30am)
26 July 2012 - Deadline 16
ClosedIS hearing on DCO, requirements and s106 undertakings at Lancaster Town Hall(Rule 8(1)(h)))
26 July 2012 - Issue Specific Hearing 6
ClosedIssue Specific Hearing held on Thursday 26 July 2012 at Lancaster Town Hall (9.30am)
27 July 2012 - Deadline 17
ClosedAccompanied site visit to the route of the LBL south of Lancaster city centre and development sites being considered in the City Council’s draft allocations DPD; Accompanied site visit to a watercourse north of Orchard House, Halton
3 August 2012 - Deadline 18
ClosedIssue of revised timetable for remainder of examination
23 August 2012 - Deadline 19
ClosedRevised deadline for receipt by ExA of:
Any written summary of the oral cases put at the hearings (Rule 8(1)(k))
Any proposed amendments to the draft DCO, requirements and s.106 undertakings (Rule 8(1)(k))
Any comments on submissions made during the hearings.
6 September 2012 - Deadline 20
ClosedDeadline for receipt by ExA of:
Responses to any of the foregoing and on a low traffic forecast produced by LCC that was circulated on 10 August 2012.
14 September 2012 - Deadline 21
ClosedDeadline for receipt by ExA of:
Any further comments including outcome of City Council meeting on 12 September re publication of Consultation Draft Allocations DPD
20 September 2012 - Deadline 22
ClosedClose of Examination