The list below includes a record of advice we have provided for this project.
Enquiry and question rgerading Rule 4 and Rule 6 Letters issued in March 2012.
E-mail from Prof. Whitelegg regarding the Issue Specific Hearings
If possible wishes to be sent a transcript of the preliminary meeting that may have been made.
Mr David Gate, preparing his written representation, which will refer to evidence of traffic counts, wishes to submit this evidence after the deadline of the 8th as it may not be ready in time.
Call from Mrs Kenworthy wishing to discuss a matter with the Rule 8 letter
At the IPC Outreach event held in Lancaster, a stakeholder asked whether the Commission would test for 'value for money' with regard to the Heysham to M6 Link Road application.
The IPC's reply was by...
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A member of Campaign to Protect Rural England contacted the IPC via email, asking whether the promoter of the application was required to submit an Economic Impact Report to the IPC as part of the app...
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I have an immediate concern with the acceptance of HM6L as a NSIP. I can find nothing in the IPC statement accepting the application that gives the reason(s) why the IPC considers HM6L to be a NSIP, ...
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The IPC was made aware of a communication between the Promoter and the HPA (Health Protection Agency) regarding the HPA's status as a statutory consultee.
A stakeholder requested the name(s) of the Commissioner(s) appointed to handle the Heysham to M6 Link Road application, currently at pre-examination.
The reply from the IPC was by email.
Mr Dickinson called to ask how long the registration period will last for if the application is accepted.
To whom it may concern, can you possibly help, I am trying to gather information on the number and type of applications to the IPC where Local Authorities in Greater Manchester have been consulted sin...
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The IPC received a telephone enquiry from a stakeholder in regard to the Heysham to M6 Link Road proposal currently at the pre-application stage, asking if Morecambe Town Council would be registered a...
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Update on the timetable for submission of the application and project update.
Was asking about the intention of the section in Advice Note 14 under the heading of EIA Regulations consultation.
Lancashire County Council (promoter) requested comments from the Commission on specific draft documents for the proposed Heysham to M6 Link Road, currently at pre-application, that were sent to the IP...
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Transport Solutions for Lancaster & Morecombe wrote to the IPC seeking clarification on a section of the note for the meeting on 17 August 2011 that was held between the IPC case team, Lancashire Coun...
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A member writing on behalf of the Group of Halton Residents contacted the IPC by letter, commenting on the scope of pre-application consultation work undertaken for the proposed Heysham to M6 Link Roa...
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Inception meeting with Lancashire County Council and Lancaster City Council to discuss the role of the Local Authorities in the application process, in particular the final parts of the pre-applicatio...
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Lancashire County Council have indicated that ONLY issues relating to the proposed scheme as it now stands can be considered, but another source (a letter in the local newspaper [ Lancaster Guardian])...
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Cllr Marsland offered reasons for his objection to the proposed development.
To visit the site of the proposed Heysham to M6 link.
I am writing to inform you of my objections / comments on the Heysham to M6 link;
My objections are that this link road will not deliver economic benefit to the local area, of the 3000 construction ...
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I received a leaflet/booklet through my door called "The Link" about this project, I think from Lancashire county council, and on the back page it said:
You can only register after the IPC have accep...
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To visit the site of the proposed Heysham to M6 link.
Introductory meeting with LCC and LC regarding a proposed highways scheme in Lancashire and to explain the IPC process and discuss the need for any outreach.