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Advice to Sally Gray

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Sally Gray
Date advice given
6 March 2014
Enquiry type

I have searched the DCO final draft for a reference to requirement 18 (g) 2 as directed in question 4 and nothing comes up. Please would you be so kind as to send me the exact page referred to, so that I may read it and if necessary respond.

Advice given

The reference made by the Examining Authority to requirement 18 (g) (2) of the applicant?s final draft Development Control Order, as directed by question 4 in Appendix A of his letter of 5 March, is made with reference to the track change version of the applicants final draft DCO (a link is provided below). This can be found on page 40 of the document. The reference is made to requirement 18 (1)(g) in association to requirement 18 (2) shown in the track change version of the DCO. For your ease of reference the draft DCO with track changes can be viewed on the National Infrastructure website at: http://infrastructure.planningportal.gov.uk/wp-content/ipc/uploads/projects/TR010011/2.%20Post-Submission/Application%20Documents/Draft%20Development%20Consent%20Orders/Woodside%20Link%20Draft%20Development%20Consent%20Order%20v11%20-%20v12%20(comparison).PDF