Representation by Eversheds Sutherland LLP on behalf of Severn Trent Water Limited
- Date submitted
- 2 August 2019
- Submitted by
- Members of the public/businesses
This registration is submitted on behalf of Severn Trent Water Limited (“STW”) a water and sewerage undertaker appointed under the Water Act 1989 with statutory duties to carry out water supply and sewerage functions throughout its appointed area including the area where the works are proposed to be carried out under the development consent order if confirmed. STW operates assets which are located in close proximity to the proposed works. A number of STW’s assets which consist principally of two categories namely (1) public water mains and (2) public sewers may require diversion or are otherwise affected by the proposed works. Such assets are owned and operated by STW pursuant to statutory powers. It is essential that these assets remain in continuous operation in order to ensure the provision of water supplies to and the effectual removal of sewage from household and non-household customers. Whilst Schedule 9 Part 1 of the draft DCO contains provisions for the protection of electricity gas water and sewerage undertakers STW wishes to ensure that it will remain able to deliver its essential public services at all times during the implementation of the works. Any works required to be carried out on STW’s assets must be planned and implemented to avoid risk of supply interruption or contamination damage to the integrity of the water or sewerage networks or environmental damage. Further it is essential to STW that in the event of any alteration to or relocation of its assets such work is carried out pursuant to STW’s statutory powers so as to ensure that both existing and new water supply and sewerage assets unquestionably form part of STW’s statutory undertaking. STW may therefore seek additions to the provisions contained in Schedule 9 Part 1 or alternatively to seek to conclude an agreement with Highways England incorporating appropriate provisions to enable STW to ensure that delivery of its statutory functions and essential public services are not put at risk. Pending conclusion of such additional provisions or agreement STW wishes to register its interest in order to afford the opportunity to submit further representations to the Inquiry if necessary so as to safeguard the ongoing delivery of these essential public services.