Request dated 11 June 2020 for corrections to the Lake Lothing (Lowestoft) Third Crossing Order 2020
(PDF, 3MB)
O Pinsent Masons LLP ar ran Suffolk County Council
Made by the Secretary of State on 21 October 2020
(PDF, 56KB)
O Correction Order
Issued by the Secretary of State on 21 October 2020
(PDF, 144KB)
O Correction Notice
Post Examination Correspondence Log
(PDF, 4MB)
Development Consent Order as Made by the Secretary of State
(PDF, 2MB)
Notification of Decision Letter
(PDF, 117KB)
Recommendation Report
(PDF, 2MB)
Regulation 23 Notice – Notification of Decision Letter
(PDF, 120KB)
Secretary of State Decision Letter
(PDF, 1MB)
Department for Transport Estates response to Secretary of State’s request for comments dated 7 October 2019
(PDF, 216KB)
Applicant’s response to Secretary of State’s request for comments dated 10 December 2019 – 3 January 2020
(PDF, 873KB)
Letter from the Secretary of State requesting comments from the Applicant - 10 December 2019
(PDF, 151KB)
Associated British Port’s (ABP's) response to Request from the Secretary of State requesting comments from the ABP dated 27 Sep 2019 – 11 Oct 2019
(PDF, 2MB)
Applicant’s response to Request from the Secretary of State requesting comments from the Applicant dated 27 Sep 2019 – 11 Oct 2019
(PDF, 124KB)
Letter from Secretary of State requesting comments from DfT Estates Manager - 7 Oct 2019
(PDF, 301KB)
Letter from the Secretary of State requesting comments from Associated British Ports - 27 September 2019
(PDF, 145KB)
Letter from the Secretary of State requesting comments from the Applicant - 27 September 2019
(PDF, 2MB)
Additional Submission accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority (Received before the Examination closed at 23:59 on 5 June 2019) Application Document Tracker
(PDF, 480KB)
O Pinsent Masons LLP ar ran Suffolk County Council
Additional Submission accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority (Received before the Examination closed at 23:59 on 5 June 2019) DCO R8 - Clean
(PDF, 2MB)
O Pinsent Masons LLP ar ran Suffolk County Council
Additional Submission accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority (Received before the Examination closed at 23:59 on 5 June 2019) DCO R8 – Tracked Changes
(PDF, 2MB)
O Pinsent Masons LLP ar ran Suffolk County Council
Additional Submission accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority (Received before the Examination closed at 23:59 on 5 June 2019) Cover Letter
(PDF, 258KB)
O Pinsent Masons LLP ar ran Suffolk County Council
Additional Submission accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority (Received before the Examination closed at 23:59 on 5 June 2019) Scheme of Operation for the new bridge - Revision 3 - tracked
(PDF, 188KB)
O Pinsent Masons LLP ar ran Suffolk County Council
Additional Submission accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority (Received before the Examination closed at 23:59 on 5 June 2019) Scheme of Operation for the new bridge - Revision 3 - clean
(PDF, 187KB)
O Pinsent Masons LLP ar ran Suffolk County Council
Additional Submission accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority (Received before the Examination closed at 23:59 on 5 June 2019) DCO R8 comparison against Application DCO (Revision 0)
(PDF, 2MB)
O Pinsent Masons LLP ar ran Suffolk County Council
Notification of completion of the Examining Authority's Examination
(PDF, 77KB)
Deadline 11 Submission - Applicant’s revised draft Development Consent Order (dDCO) R7 - Clean
(PDF, 2MB)
O Pinsent Masons LLP ar ran Suffolk County Council
Deadline 11 Submission - Letter to the Examining Authority
(PDF, 553KB)
O Birketts LLP ar ran PFK Ling Limited
Deadline 11 Submission - Comments on the Examining Authority’s draft Development Consent Order
(PDF, 226KB)
O Marine Management Organisation
Deadline 11 Submission - Appendix 1
(PDF, 127KB)
O Clyde & Co LLP ar ran Associated British Ports
Deadline 11 Submission - Closing Submissions
(PDF, 489KB)
O Clyde & Co LLP ar ran Associated British Ports
Deadline 11 Submission - Letter from ABP to the Secretary of State dated 31 May 2019
(PDF, 5MB)
O Clyde & Co LLP ar ran Associated British Ports
Deadline 11 Submission - Appendix 4a
(PDF, 233KB)
O Clyde & Co LLP ar ran Associated British Ports
Deadline 11 Submission - Response to the Applicant's Deadline 10 submissions and the Examining Authority's draft Development Consent Order
(PDF, 487KB)
O Clyde & Co LLP ar ran Associated British Ports
Deadline 11 Submission - Appendix 4b
(PDF, 240KB)
O Clyde & Co LLP ar ran Associated British Ports
Deadline 11 Submission - Comments on the Examining Authority’s draft Development Consent Order
(PDF, 49KB)
O Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP ar ran Network Rail
Deadline 11 Submission - Closing position statement
(PDF, 222KB)
O Howes Percival LLP ar ran Nexen Group
Deadline 11 Submission - Appendix 3
(PDF, 214KB)
O Clyde & Co LLP ar ran Associated British Ports
Deadline 11 Submission - Appendix 2
(PDF, 594KB)
O Clyde & Co LLP ar ran Associated British Ports
Deadline 11 Submission - Response to Deadline 10 Submissions
(PDF, 16KB)
O Dr David B Bennett ar ran Lowestoft Cruising Club
Deadline 11 Submission - Applicant’s revised draft Development Consent Order (dDCO) R7 - Track Changes
(PDF, 2MB)
O Pinsent Masons LLP ar ran Suffolk County Council
Deadline 11 Submission - Appendix 5
(PDF, 174KB)
O Clyde & Co LLP ar ran Associated British Ports
Deadline 11 Submission - Application Document Tracker
(PDF, 612KB)
O Pinsent Masons LLP ar ran Suffolk County Council
Deadline 11 Submission - DCO Validation Report
(PDF, 1MB)
O Pinsent Masons LLP ar ran Suffolk County Council
Deadline 11 Submission - Closing Submissions (Other Interested parties)
(PDF, 606KB)
O Pinsent Masons LLP ar ran Suffolk County Council
Deadline 11 Submission - Scheme of Operation for the new bridge - Revision 2 - Track Changes
(PDF, 590KB)
O Pinsent Masons LLP ar ran Suffolk County Council
Deadline 11 Submission - Closing Submission (ABP)
(PDF, 1MB)
O Pinsent Masons LLP ar ran Suffolk County Council
Deadline 11 Submission - Updated Explanatory Memorandum - Track Changes
(PDF, 1MB)
O Pinsent Masons LLP ar ran Suffolk County Council
Deadline 11 Submission - Updated Explanatory Memorandum - Clean
(PDF, 975KB)
O Pinsent Masons LLP ar ran Suffolk County Council
Deadline 11 Submission - Cover Letter
(PDF, 257KB)
O Pinsent Masons LLP ar ran Suffolk County Council
Deadline 11 Submission - Scheme of Operation for the new bridge - Revision 2 - clean
(PDF, 579KB)
O Pinsent Masons LLP ar ran Suffolk County Council
Deadline 11 Submission - LLTC Development Consent Order (DCO) R7 v Application DCO Revision 0 - Track Changes
(PDF, 2MB)
O Pinsent Masons LLP ar ran Suffolk County Council
Additional Submission accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority
(PDF, 27KB)
O Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP ar ran Northumbrian Water Limited
Deadline 10 Submission - Comments on the Applicant's response to ABP's issues raised in Deadline 8 submissions
(PDF, 382KB)
O Clyde & Co LLP ar ran Associated British Ports
Deadline 10 Submission - Summary of oral submissions made by ABP at the examination hearing held on Monday 14 May 2019 and comments on the draft Development Consent Order
(PDF, 509KB)
O Clyde & Co LLP ar ran Associated British Ports
Deadline 10 Submission - Document 1 (Annex 1 - Track Change) - The Applicant's amendments to Article 40 of the dDCO
(PDF, 117KB)
O Clyde & Co LLP ar ran Associated British Ports
Deadline 10 Submission - Document 2 (Annex 1) - The Applicant's amendments to draft Scheme of Operation (Revision 2)
(PDF, 348KB)
O Clyde & Co LLP ar ran Associated British Ports
Deadline 10 Submission - Closing Submission, Document Tracker and Summary Position
(PDF, 163KB)
O Dr David B Bennett ar ran Lowestoft Cruising Club
Deadline 10 Submission - Document 1 (Annex 1 - clean) - The Applicant's amendments to Article 40 of the dDCO
(PDF, 112KB)
O Clyde & Co LLP ar ran Associated British Ports
Deadline 10 Submission - Written Summary of Oral Submissions
(PDF, 149KB)
O Howes Percival LLP ar ran Nexen Group
Deadline 10 Submission - Further comment on the Applicant's Oral Submissions at the Issue Specific Hearing on Navigation Matters of 1 April 2019
(PDF, 176KB)
O Clyde & Co LLP ar ran Associated British Ports
Deadline 10 Submission - Document 4 (Annex 1 ) - Port of Lowestoft Berth Utilisation
(PDF, 2MB)
O Clyde & Co LLP ar ran Associated British Ports
Deadline 10 Submission - Comments on the draft Scheme of Operation
(PDF, 324KB)
O Clyde & Co LLP ar ran Associated British Ports
Deadline 10 Submission - Application Document Tracker Deadline 10
(PDF, 601KB)
O Pinsent Masons LLP ar ran Suffolk County Council
Deadline 10 Submission - Statements of Common Ground Report - Tracked
(PDF, 2MB)
O Pinsent Masons LLP ar ran Suffolk County Council
Deadline 10 Submission - Interim Code of Construction Practice (Appendix 5A of the ES) - clean
(PDF, 768KB)
O Pinsent Masons LLP ar ran Suffolk County Council
Deadline 10 Submission - Scheme of Operation for the new bridge - Clean
(PDF, 577KB)
O Pinsent Masons LLP ar ran Suffolk County Council
Deadline 10 Submission - Cover Letter
(PDF, 260KB)
O Pinsent Masons LLP ar ran Suffolk County Council
Deadline 10 Submission - Applicant’s revised draft Development Consent Order (dDCO) R6 - Clean
(PDF, 2MB)
O Pinsent Masons LLP ar ran Suffolk County Council
Deadline 10 Submission - Applicant’s revised draft Development Consent Order (dDCO) R6- Track changes
(PDF, 2MB)
O Pinsent Masons LLP ar ran Suffolk County Council
Deadline 10 Submission - Updated Book of Reference R3 – Track Changes
(PDF, 37KB)
O Pinsent Masons LLP ar ran Suffolk County Council
Deadline 10 Submission - Statements of Common Ground Report - Clean
(PDF, 2MB)
O Pinsent Masons LLP ar ran Suffolk County Council
Deadline 10 Submission - BoR Schedule of Changes
(PDF, 63KB)
O Pinsent Masons LLP ar ran Suffolk County Council
Deadline 10 Submission - Updated Book of Reference R3 – Clean
(PDF, 37KB)
O Pinsent Masons LLP ar ran Suffolk County Council
Deadline 10 Submission - Interim Code of Construction Practice (Appendix 5A of the ES) - Tracked
(PDF, 772KB)
O Pinsent Masons LLP ar ran Suffolk County Council
Deadline 10 Submission - Scheme of Operation for the new bridge - Tracked
(PDF, 616KB)
O Pinsent Masons LLP ar ran Suffolk County Council
Deadline 10 Submission - Compulsory Acquisition Negotiation and Objections Tracker
(PDF, 37KB)
O Pinsent Masons LLP ar ran Suffolk County Council
Deadline 10 Submission - Summary of Applicant’s Oral Submissions at Hearings on 14 May and Responses to Interested Parties’ Deadline 9 Submissions
(PDF, 3MB)
O Pinsent Masons LLP ar ran Suffolk County Council
Deadline 10 Submission - Explanation of changes to draft DCO
(PDF, 542KB)
O Pinsent Masons LLP ar ran Suffolk County Council
Published on 29 May 2019
(PDF, 1MB)
O Examining Authority’s draft Development Consent Order
Deadline 10 Submission - written summary of the oral submissions made at the recent CAH hearing
(PDF, 672KB)
O Birketts LLP ar ran PFK Ling Limited
Additional Submission accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority
(PDF, 122KB)
O Anglian Water Services Limited
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority
(PDF, 25KB)
O Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP ar ran Northumbrian Water Limited (NWL)
Recording of Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 2 (CAH2) - 14 May 2019
(PDF, 31KB)
Recording of Issue Specific Hearing 3 - 14 May 2019 AM
(PDF, 32KB)
Recording of Issue Specific Hearing 3 - 14 May 2019 PM
(PDF, 32KB)
Additional Submission accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority
(PDF, 799KB)
O Shakespeare Martineau LLP ar ran Cadent Gas Limited
Additional Submission accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority
(PDF, 76KB)
O Axis Property Consultancy LLP ar ran Brookhouse (Lowestoft) Nominees VI Ltd - North Quay Retail Park
Deadline 10 Submission - Engineering Sections Drawings, Plans Side Roads Key Plan
(PDF, 511KB)
O Pinsent Masons LLP ar ran Suffolk County Council
Deadline 10 Submission - Engineering Sections Drawings, Plans Side Roads (Sheet 6 of 9)
(PDF, 401KB)
O Pinsent Masons LLP ar ran Suffolk County Council
Deadline 10 Submission - Traffic Regulation Measures Plans (Clearways and Prohibitions) (Sheet 2 of 3)
(PDF, 536KB)
O Pinsent Masons LLP ar ran Suffolk County Council
Deadline 10 Submission - Environmental Statement Volume 2 Figure 15.2
(PDF, 431KB)
O Pinsent Masons LLP ar ran Suffolk County Council
Deadline 10 Submission - Environmental Statement Volume 2 Figures 11.3 to 11.6
(PDF, 2MB)
O Pinsent Masons LLP ar ran Suffolk County Council
Deadline 10 Submission - Engineering Sections Drawings, Plans and Elevations - Key Plan
(PDF, 516KB)
O Pinsent Masons LLP ar ran Suffolk County Council
Deadline 10 Submission - Environmental Statement Volume 2 Figure 13.1
(PDF, 2MB)
O Pinsent Masons LLP ar ran Suffolk County Council
Deadline 10 Submission - Applicant’s revised draft Development Consent Order (dDCO) R5 - Clean
(PDF, 2MB)
O Pinsent Masons LLP ar ran Suffolk County Council
Deadline 10 Submission - Engineering Sections Drawings, Plans Side Roads (Sheet 9 of 9)
(PDF, 348KB)
O Pinsent Masons LLP ar ran Suffolk County Council
Deadline 10 Submission - Classifications of Roads Plan
(PDF, 6MB)
O Pinsent Masons LLP ar ran Suffolk County Council
Deadline 10 Submission - Applicant’s revised draft Development Consent Order (dDCO) R5- Track changes
(PDF, 2MB)
O Pinsent Masons LLP ar ran Suffolk County Council
Deadline 10 Submission - Engineering Sections Drawings, Plans and Elevations - Mainline Key Plan
(PDF, 512KB)
O Pinsent Masons LLP ar ran Suffolk County Council
Deadline 10 Submission - BoR Schedule of Changes
(PDF, 66KB)
O Pinsent Masons LLP ar ran Suffolk County Council