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Advice to Clyde and Co LLP

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Clyde and Co LLP
Date advice given
10 August 2018
Enquiry type

The enquirer attached correspondence from Suffolk County Council responding to requests for information by the enquirer's client, Associated British Ports. The enquirer stated that "should the current application be [accepted], our client will be significantly prejudiced in terms of timescale when required to submit its representations on the application to the Secretary of State."

Advice given

The Inspectorate considered whether to accept the Lake Lothing Third Crossing application in accordance with the requirements of Section 55 of the Planning Act 2008 (PA2008): As ABP will be aware, under s56 of the PA2008 SCC is now required to provide notice of the accepted application, confirming the dates for the Relevant Representation period.

We encourage ABP and SCC to continue negotiations at the Pre-examination stage. In the first instance, ABP will be able to set out its technical concerns in a Relevant Representation at the appropriate time.