Back to list M25 junction 10/A3 Wisley interchange improvement

Representation by Harry Eve

Date submitted
11 August 2019
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I have many years experience of using the Ockham roundabout, Junction 10, Painshill roundabout and the access to and from Wisley Lane and I responded to the previous consultations. I have concerns about the impact of the current proposal on the local road network – including the operation of the Ockham Park interchange roundabout and the likely flows generated on other roads. These concerns include the impact of the proposed signalling on the various arms of the Ockham Park roundabout and details regarding safety of NMU crossings. I have concerns about the impact on biodiversity. I have concerns about the impact on air quality. I have concerns about the assumptions made with regard to the Guildford Local Plan. Having read through the transport assessment I have requested some information (e.g. missing details) and clarification from Highways England to help inform my response to the planning application.