Back to list M25 junction 10/A3 Wisley interchange improvement

Representation by Regena Coult

Date submitted
15 August 2019
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am interested in conservation and I've been volunteering as a toad warden for the Surrey Amphibian and Reptile Group (SARG) for several years and more recently, as a toad warden coordinator. I also conduct natterjack toad surveys under licence for the Amphibian and Reptile Conservation (ARC) Trust. I have a passion for amphibians and see the devastation that is caused every year through road deaths. Since part of this project is to work on Old Lane, which is an existing toad crossing, could this be an opportunity to build a toad tunnel? Old Lane is a fast road and dangerous for toad wardens to patrol at night. Many toads get killed there every year. If an amphibian tunnel was built there, this would mean a net gain for biodiversity. If you could build something to save amphibians' lives on that road for the long term it would be wonderful. Many thanks. --------------------------------------- In addition to what I wrote before. I'm concerned about the routing of the new access road to Wisley. This not only results in the loss of habitat, it also causes fragmentation of habitats. Amphibians already get killed on Old Lane. This new dissection will inevitably become an additional death trap for hundreds of them. What measures are taken to stop these deaths? There needs to be a net gain for biodiversity, how can this be achieved in view of these expected losses? In other areas where amphibians are required to cross busy roads to get from their breeding ponds to their summer habitats they have all but disappeared. Why can the new road not be routed along the RHS gardens where the impact would be much smaller? I also understand that there are plans to build a green bridge across the A3. This is very welcome. Many thanks for your consideration.