Back to list M25 junction 10/A3 Wisley interchange improvement

Representation by Robert J. Brown

Date submitted
15 August 2019
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am opposed to the Highways agency Scheme as detailed on their drawing TRO10030?APP/2.8 Rev 0 for the following reasons. a) The junction from the 3 dwellings ,New Farm Close Farm and the Guides Camp is too near to Painshill Roundabout and located on the slip road to Junction M25 Jctn10, and will cause a hazard with vehicles deceleration backing up the Painshill Roundabout. b) The new road in Painshill Park adjacent to the A3 to give access to the A3 has no fencing and will let in travellers and other undesirable personnel into Painshill Park and the adjacent residences. In addition there will be ioncrease4d noise level from the felling of trees in [Redacted] Christmas tree wood exposing the Painshill Residents directly to A3 traffic. c) The previous Bridge option previously approved by Painshill Residents Association dealt with the above problems and I do not know why this has been changed without proper consultation with Painshill Residences. d) I consider that this Scheme as detailed on the above drawing has brought a blight to Painshill Residences lowering the house price due to the traffic disruption during the construction phase. I my opinion the safety of the existing M25 Junction could have been improved by proper signage and warning notices rather than waste the taxpayers Money , causing multiple traffic hazards and confusion whilst the works take place. Please re- look at this scheme particularly the design around Painshill Roundabout and challenge the Scheme and its absolute necessity as a whole . Eur Ing Robert J. Brown Bsc(Eng) , F.I.C.E, M.Inst H.E, M. A.S.C.E