Back to list M25 junction 10/A3 Wisley interchange improvement

Representation by Painshill Residents Association (Painshill Residents Association)

Date submitted
19 August 2019
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The residents of the Painshill estate, are concerned that we will be negatively impacted by increased noise and pollution levels due to increased traffic on the A3. We are also concerned for our safety - that increased traffic on Painshill roundabout due to the wider A3 will make access to our properties even more difficult and dangerous at busy times of day. In addition we are concerned that the proposed access road from the slip road from the onto the A3 compromises the security of our properties. The immediate vicinity has seen a number of destructive traveller-incursions in recent months, and the new road will open up access to the fields adjoining the Painshill estate to unauthorised visitors to whom a locked gate will present no barrier. We will be submitting a fuller description of our concerns in early October 2019.