Back to list M25 junction 10/A3 Wisley interchange improvement

Representation by Chasemore Farm (Chasemore Farm)

Date submitted
2 September 2019
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

As an equine veterinarian living [Redacted] and working [Redacted] within 1km of the M25 adjacent to Junction 10, I represent a large Thoroughbred owner-breeder, Chasemore Farm, a producer of young horses and a significant local employer. The business is contiguous with the M25, and experiences significant (and steadily increasing) noise pollution due to the inferior concrete road surface on this section and the lack of sound barriers. Sound levels on the farm frequently exceed 75 decibels which is a chronic stressor for young equine athletes, and deters potential clients. Our submission will petition to ensure that interchange improvements maximise the reduction of noise pollution, in the form of: - The installation of acoustic barriers on both sides of the M25 and A3 where improvements are being made - Improved road surface to reduce 'road rumble'